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为什么 JAXRSIntegration 无法查找 JNDI

[英]why the JAXRSIntegration can't lookup JNDI

i need some help here!我需要一些帮助!

I'm using javaEE 7, javax-ws-rs 2.0.1 and Weblogic我正在使用 javaEE 7、javax-ws-rs 2.0.1 和 Weblogic。

Im getting following error on my Manage Server log:我的管理服务器日志中出现以下错误:

<04.01.2022 16:51 Uhr MEZ> <Warning> <JAXRSIntegration> <BEA-2192505> <An instance of EJB class com.my.company.rest.MyExchangeServer could not be looked up using a simple form name. 
Attempting to look up using the fully-qualified form name.
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to look up /app/my-company-web- in /app/webapp/my-company-web/1607311341.; remaining name '/app/my-company-web-1/7/0/2/MyExchangeServer'

this happend after the Migration from Weblogic 12.1 to Weblogic 12.2.这发生在从 Weblogic 12.1 迁移到 Weblogic 12.2 之后。 The Application runs without problem tough.该应用程序运行没有问题。 Only the ms_logs bothering us, because it take so much memory.只有 ms_logs 困扰着我们,因为它占用了太多 memory。

public class ApplicationConfig extends Application {

    public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
        Set<Class<?>> restClasses = new HashSet<>();
        return restClasses;


public class MyExchangeServer {

Under JNDI tree i find: java:global.my-int-ear.my-company-web.MyExchangeServer.com.my.company.rest.MyExchangeServer在 JNDI 树下,我发现: java:global.my-int-ear.my-company-web.MyExchangeServer.com.my.company.rest.MyExchangeServer

It seems that the MyExchangeServer class are instantiated by jersey and not from EJB. MyExchangeServer class 似乎是由 jersey 而不是 EJB 实例化的。 Why would JAXRSIntegration trying to look up under /app/my-company-web-为什么 JAXRSIntegration 会尝试在 /app/my-company-web- 下查找?

The Application works prefectly tough该应用程序工作起来非常艰难

now i have found the solution.现在我找到了解决办法。 The porblem was i'm still using JAX-RS 1.0 on my project.问题是我仍在我的项目中使用 JAX-RS 1.0。 Since on WLS 12.2.* JAX-RS 1.0 deprecated.从 WLS 12.2 开始。* JAX-RS 1.0 已弃用。 I have to use the JAX-RS 2.*.我必须使用 JAX-RS 2.*。

So far i only need to change the Jersey configuration on my web.xml.到目前为止,我只需要更改 web.xml 上的 Jersey 配置。 And i'm good to go.我对 go 很好。

        <!-- Register resources and providers under my.package. -->
        <!-- Enable Tracing support. -->


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