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在 python 中补充 maketrans 以进行翻译

[英]Complement maketrans in python for translate

For translating tr in perl to python, I am using string.maketrans and str.translate .为了将 perl 中的tr翻译为 python,我使用的是string.maketransstr.translate However, for the perl expression:但是,对于 perl 表达式:

$val =~ tr/\0-\377//c

The user is asking for the complement of the translation.用户要求翻译的补充。 How I generate python code for that?我如何为此生成 python 代码?

I assume you want to delete characters not int the range of ordinal values [0-255], then you could simply do我假设您想删除不在序数值 [0-255] 范围内的字符,那么您可以简单地执行

val = "".join([ch for ch in val if 0o000 <= ord(ch)<= 0o377])

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