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observableObject 没有更新视图

[英]observableObject is not updating the view

I have two Views (main and filter).我有两个视图(主视图和过滤器)。 For my filter view, there are Pickers that the user can choose from that will filter data that is hardcoded inside an array.对于我的过滤器视图,用户可以从中选择一些选择器,这些选择器将过滤在数组中硬编码的数据。 In the main view, the array is being called within a for each loop that will display the data on a LazyVGrid view.在主视图中,数组在 for each 循环中被调用,该循环将在 LazyVGrid 视图上显示数据。 However, for some reason, the view is not updating when I filter the data.但是,由于某种原因,当我过滤数据时视图没有更新。

The Filter view过滤器视图

import SwiftUI

struct Filter: View {
@Binding  var sortIndex: Int
@ObservedObject var model: MarketDataViewModel

var sort = ["Best Match", "Newest", "Lowest to Highest", "Highest to Lowest"]

var body: some View {
    Form {
        Section(header: Text("General Settings")){
            Picker(selection: $sortIndex, label: Text("Sort by")) {
                ForEach(0..<sort.count) {
            }.onChange(of: sortIndex, perform: { value in
                model.data.sort(by: {$0.price < $1.price})
    } .navigationBarTitle("Filters")

The Main view主视图

import SwiftUI

struct MarketPlace: View {结构市场:查看{

@State var text = ""
@State  var sortIndex = 0
@State private var isEditing = false
@StateObject var item = MarketDataViewModel()

var body: some View {
    NavigationView {
        VStack {
                SearchBar(text: $text)
                NavigationLink(destination: Filter(sortIndex: $sortIndex, model: MarketDataViewModel())) {
                        .frame(width: 33, height: 33, alignment: .trailing)
                    .frame(width: 15)

            ScrollView {
                LazyVGrid(columns: [.init(), .init()]) {
                    ForEach(item.data.filter({"\($0.itemName)".contains(text) || text.isEmpty})) { item in
                        NavigationLink(destination: DescriptionView(item: item), label: {
                                label: Image(item.image)
                                    .frame(width: 100,height: 100)
                                    .padding(.vertical, 10)
                                    .padding(.horizontal, 20)
                            ) {
                                VStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 5) {
                                    Text("$\(item.price, specifier: "%.2f")")
        .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)



struct MarketData : Identifiable {
var id = UUID()
var itemName = String()
var image = String()
var description = String()
var price = Double()
var pfp = String() 

class MarketDataViewModel: ObservableObject {

@Published var data: [MarketData] = [MarketData(id: UUID(), itemName: "Boots", image: "Boots", description: "Just a pair of boots", price: 30.00, pfp: "Profile"),
                                     MarketData(id: UUID(), itemName: "Santa", image: "Santa", description: "Ho Ho Ho. I am santa", price: 100.00, pfp: "Profile"),
                                     MarketData(id: UUID(), itemName: "Snowflake", image: "Snowflake", description: "Snow", price: 0, pfp: "Profile"), MarketData(id: UUID(), itemName: "Car", image: "Car", description: "The most expensive thing on this entire database right now.", price: 100000000, pfp: "Profile"),
                                     MarketData(id: UUID(), itemName: "Robo Boots", image: "Robot Boots", description: "Bootleg IronMan", price: 3440.00, pfp: "Profile"),
                                     MarketData(id: UUID(), itemName: "Boots SM", image: "Boots", description: "Just a pair of boots", price: 310.00, pfp: "Profile"),
                                     MarketData(id: UUID(), itemName: "Boots M", image: "Boots", description: "Just a pair of boots", price: 500.00, pfp: "Profile"),
                                     MarketData(id: UUID(), itemName: "Boots XXL", image: "Boots", description: "Just a pair of boots", price: 30.40, pfp: "Profile"),
                                     MarketData(id: UUID(), itemName: "Boots For Sale", image: "Boots", description: "Just a pair of boots", price: 31.00, pfp: "Profile"),
                                     MarketData(id: UUID(), itemName: "Boots Not For Sale", image: "Boots", description: "Just a pair of boots", price: 60.00, pfp: "Profile"),
                                     MarketData(id: UUID(), itemName: "Fake Boots", image: "Boots", description: "Just a pair of boots", price: 10.00, pfp: "Profile")]


here, NavigationLink(destination: Filter(sortIndex: $sortIndex, model: MarketDataViewModel())) you create a new MarketDataViewModel every time you click on it.在这里, NavigationLink(destination: Filter(sortIndex: $sortIndex, model: MarketDataViewModel()))每次单击它时都会创建一个新的MarketDataViewModel You should have: NavigationLink(destination: Filter(sortIndex: $sortIndex, model: item)) .你应该有: NavigationLink(destination: Filter(sortIndex: $sortIndex, model: item)) That way you use the single source of truth, your @StateObject var item = MarketDataViewModel() .这样你就可以使用单一的事实来源,你的@StateObject var item = MarketDataViewModel()

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