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用于 ERC-1155 的 OpenSea 中的 Lazy Mint

[英]Lazy Mint in OpenSea for ERC-1155

The concept of lazy-mint is deferring the mint until someone buy the item.懒惰薄荷的概念是将薄荷推迟到有人购买该物品之前。 By joining the mint and buy transaction together, the gas fee can be cut 1/2 and let the buyer to pay for it, so that the creator (seller) does not need to pay any gas fee.通过加入铸币厂和购买交易,可以将gas费减少1/2,让买家支付,这样创建者(卖家)就不需要支付任何gas费。 Opensea said it used the same approach to do lazy-mint. Opensea 说它使用相同的方法来做惰性薄荷。 After I try to mint once in OpenSea, I found that it actually mint the item by search the transaction in blockchain, and also I can successfully include the mint item in metamask.在我尝试在 OpenSea 中铸币一次后,我发现它实际上是通过在区块链中搜索交易来铸币的,而且我可以成功地将铸币项目包含在 metamask 中。 In the whole process, I remember I did not pay any gas fee.在整个过程中,我记得我没有支付任何gas费。 How can OpenSea do this kind of lazy-mint? OpenSea 怎么能做这种懒惰的薄荷呢? Or OpenSea subsidizes the gas fee?还是 OpenSea 补贴 gas 费?

Are you sure that the item was actually minted on-chain or did you use Collection Manager?您确定该项目实际上是在链上铸造的,还是您使用了 Collection Manager?

OpenSea makes a claim that you can create an NFT for free, but this is like saying "I have a JPEG and a smart contract on my local hard drive and therefore now I have an NFT," In other words. OpenSea 声称您可以免费创建 NFT,但这就像说“我的本地硬盘上有一个 JPEG 和一个智能合约,因此现在我有一个 NFT”,换句话说。 it's BS as the concept of "tokenization" and "minting" is an on-chain.它是 BS,因为“标记化”和“铸币”的概念是链上的。 Just because you have the inputs doesn't make it a token.仅仅因为您有输入并不能使其成为令牌。

I find this very misleading, as they present it as if the item is on-chain: Contract Address (Contract=/Trx), Token Standard, Blockchain (Ethereum).我发现这非常具有误导性,因为他们将其呈现为好像该项目是在链上的:合约地址(Contract=/Trx)、代币标准、区块链(以太坊)。

Here's what it looks like: enter image description here这是它的样子:在此处输入图像描述

If you go to my OpenSea account page as seen in bottom left of image, " OpenCWeb2 ", you can see my Ethereum address has no transactions.如果你 go 到我的 OpenSea 帐户页面,如图左下角所示,“ OpenCWeb2 ”,你可以看到我的以太坊地址没有交易。

I find this pretty deceptive, making people believe they own an NFT on-chain.我觉得这很有欺骗性,让人们相信他们拥有链上的 NFT。 When in fact, they're likely just storing the image and metadata required for the ERC-1155 contract on a centralized cloud server until you pay a fee to sell it.事实上,他们可能只是将 ERC-1155 合约所需的图像和元数据存储在一个集中的云服务器上,直到您支付费用出售它。 Of course, you could pay the gas on Ethereum to record it, but use a cheaper chain like Solana.当然,你可以在 Ethereum 上支付 gas 来记录它,但是使用像 Solana 这样更便宜的链。 I'm sure OpenSea will have integration with all soon anyways and this will never be discussed.我确信 OpenSea 很快就会与所有这些集成,这将永远不会被讨论。

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