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来自 ec2 实例的端口 80 的 ELB 连接问题

[英]ELB connection issue for port 80 from ec2 instance

I have a loadbalancer classic2-**.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com and its public, i have whitelisted the port 443 and 80 for all connection and was connecting fine from another public ec2 server as expected:我有一个负载均衡器 classic2-**.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com 及其公共,我已将所有连接的端口 443 和 80 列入白名单,并且按预期从另一个公共 ec2 服务器连接良好:

ec21~]#telnet classic2-**.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com 80
Trying ***...
Connected to ec2-***.compute-1.amazonaws.com.
Escape character is '^]'.

Later I changed the incoming security gruop for the loadbalancer for port 80 and allowed only ec2 to access port 80 for the loadbalancer.后来我将负载均衡器的传入安全组更改为端口 80,并且只允许 ec2 访问负载均衡器的端口 80。 For that I have edited the security group for the loadbalancer inbound rule and added source as ec2 security grop name (sg-****).为此,我编辑了负载均衡器入站规则的安全组,并将源添加为 ec2 安全组名称 (sg-****)。 After saving that rule I tried telnet to port 80 from ssh to loadbalancer but its not accespting the connection:保存该规则后,我尝试从 ssh 远程登录到端口 80 到负载均衡器,但它不接受连接:

# telnet classic2-**.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com 80
Trying ****...
telnet: connect to address ****: Connection timed out

Not sure why its rejecting.不知道为什么它拒绝。 Both instance and elb are in public subnet and elb not working with ec2 instance security group as source.实例和 elb 都在公共子网中,并且 elb 不使用 ec2 实例安全组作为源。

Any advice, thanks任何建议,谢谢

I suspect that the Load Balancer is configured as a Public Load Balancer .我怀疑负载均衡器被配置为公共负载均衡器 As a result, the DNS Name will resolve to a Public IP address .因此,DNS 名称将解析为公共 IP 地址 Therefore, the telnet connection will be connecting to the Public IP address of the load balancer.因此,telnet 连接将连接到负载均衡器的公共 IP 地址。 (You can test this by resolving the DNS Name to an IP address, such as using nslookup or even ping .) (您可以通过将 DNS 名称解析为 IP 地址来进行测试,例如使用nslookup甚至ping 。)

However, when one security group refers to another security group, it permits the connection via a Private IP address because it expects the connections to happen totally within the VPC.但是,当一个安全组引用另一个安全组时,它允许通过私有 IP 地址进行连接,因为它希望连接完全发生在 VPC 内。

There are two ways to resolve this:有两种方法可以解决这个问题:

  • Change the Load Balancer to be an Internal Load Balancer , OR将负载均衡器更改为内部负载均衡器或者
  • Change the security group to permit inbound connections from the Public IP address of the instance, rather than the Security Group identifier更改安全组以允许来自实例的公共 IP 地址的入站连接,而不是安全组标识符

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