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如何使 on_release 事件真正成为非阻塞输入?

[英]How to make on_release events truly non-blocking inpynput?

My use case is, I'm using pynput/Python to make a reaction time registration application.我的用例是,我正在使用 pynput/Python 来制作反应时间注册应用程序。 The essence is that someone will press a control key to mark the first time epoch, and then the reactor hits any other key, and the time difference between the two keystrokes will be computed and displayed.本质是有人会按下一个控制键来标记第一个纪元,然后反应器击中任何其他键,然后计算并显示两次击键之间的时间差。

In order to alert the reactor to press a key, I am playing a tone that is about 1 second long when the initiator releases their key.为了提醒反应堆按下一个键,当发起者释放他们的键时,我正在播放大约 1 秒长的音调。 However, since reaction time is on the order of milliseconds, I don't want them to have to wait for the tone to complete to press the button as they currently must, or even initiate a new set of two keystrokes.但是,由于反应时间大约为毫秒,我不希望他们必须等待音调完成才能按当前必须的按钮,甚至不希望启动一组新的两次击键。 As soon as the sound fires, you should be free to press more keys.一旦声音响起,您应该可以自由按更多键。

In this sense, I can't figure out how to make the events non-blocking.从这个意义上说,我无法弄清楚如何使事件成为非阻塞的。 Using the listener.start() paradigm doesn't seem to help me here.在这里使用listener.start()范例似乎对我没有帮助。 Code is below:代码如下:

from pynput import keyboard
from datetime import datetime
from playsound import playsound

INITIATE = {keyboard.Key.enter}

def on_press(key):
        global initiated_time
        pressed_time = None
        reaction_time = None

        if key in INITIATE:
                initiated_time = datetime.now()
                return initiated_time
                pressed_time = datetime.now()
                reaction_time = pressed_time - initiated_time
                reaction_time_ms = int(reaction_time.seconds) * 1000 + int(reaction_time.microseconds)/1000
                print('Reaction time %s ms' % (reaction_time_ms))

def on_release(key):
        if key in INITIATE:

with keyboard.Listener(
) as listener:

According to the docs here , playsound has a default argument, block, which will play the sound asynchronously if set to False, meaning it will not prevent your script from continuing to run.根据此处的文档,playsound 有一个默认参数 block,如果设置为 False,它将异步播放声音,这意味着它不会阻止您的脚本继续运行。

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