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从 api 检索数据 - Android 工作室,Kotlin

[英]Retrieving data from api - Android studio, Kotlin

I'm new at kotlin and Android studio in general.我是 kotlin 和 Android 工作室的新手。 I want to create an application in which the user will enter certain data and according to this data, the result from api will be retrieved, which best corresponds to the entered data.我想创建一个应用程序,用户将在其中输入某些数据,并根据此数据检索 api 的结果,该结果与输入的数据最对应。 Can anyone give me advice on where to start or suggest some tutorial?So far I have done the design and created certain xml files.谁能给我建议从哪里开始或建议一些教程?到目前为止,我已经完成了设计并创建了某些 xml 文件。

You can checkout Retrofit it is an android library used for networking / api calls.您可以查看 Retrofit它是一个用于网络 / api 调用的 android 库。 There are multiple tutorials available for this.有多个教程可用于此。

You can use retrofit, I suggest you this article你可以使用retrofit,我建议你这篇文章

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