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Kuberentes HPA 更改轮询间隔

[英]Kuberentes HPA change polling interval

I use Horizontal Pod Autoscaler with External metric based on a value provided by DataDog agent我根据 DataDog 代理提供的值将 Horizontal Pod Autoscaler 与External指标一起使用

apiVersion: datadoghq.com/v1alpha1
kind: DatadogMetric
  name: queue-size
  query: "max:redis.key.length{key:my-tasks}.fill(zero)"

Corresponding HPA configuration对应的 HPA 配置

apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta2
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: celery-worker
  - type: External
        name: "datadogmetric@default:queue-size"

I want workers to be scaled almost immediately as queue grows, so need polling period to be at most 2-5 seconds.我希望随着队列的增长几乎立即扩展工作人员,因此需要轮询周期最多为2-5秒。 By default it's 30 seconds ( as per docs )默认情况下是 30 秒( 根据文档


How do I change poll interval on k8s side?如何更改 k8s 端的轮询间隔? Is there a flag when configuring HPA or should I tune DataDog agent instead?配置 HPA 时是否有标志,或者我应该调整 DataDog 代理吗?

Kubernetes implements horizontal pod autoscaling as a control loop that runs intermittently (it is not a continuous process). Kubernetes 将 pod 水平自动缩放实现为间歇运行的控制循环(它不是连续过程)。 The interval is set by the --horizontal-pod-autoscaler-sync-period parameter to the kube-controller-manager (and the default interval is 15 seconds).间隔由kube-controller-manager--horizontal-pod-autoscaler-sync-period参数设置(默认间隔为 15 秒)。 You should tweak the value as per your requirement您应该根据您的要求调整值

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