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[英]How do you use a random element from an array, remove that element from the array, and keep using random elements until the array is empty?

This is my first stack overflow question, so if I am presenting something wrong, please let me know.这是我的第一个堆栈溢出问题,所以如果我提出错误,请告诉我。 I am pretty new to computer programming, so I just have a small webpage where I am just implementing things that I am learning.我对计算机编程很陌生,所以我只有一个小网页,我只是在其中实现我正在学习的东西。

I made a little quiz with random trivia multiple choice questions you can take if you press a button.我做了一个小测验,随机问答多项选择题,如果你按下一个按钮,你可以回答。 I am using window prompts to ask the questions and get the answers, and I have all of the questions and answers stored as objects with question/prompt and answer pairs.我正在使用 window 提示来询问问题并获得答案,并且我将所有问题和答案存储为带有问题/提示和答案对的对象。 All of those objects are stored in an array in a variable called shortQuizPrompts.所有这些对象都存储在一个名为 shortQuizPrompts 的变量中的数组中。 I already have the quiz working and everything, aka., It tells you after every question if you got the answer to that question right or wrong, and it gives you a grade afterwards... I also have it set up so that if you enter an answer that is not "a", "b", "c", or "d", it lets you know that it isnt a valid answer.我已经完成了测验和一切工作输入不是“a”、“b”、“c”或“d”的答案,它会让您知道这不是一个有效的答案。 Those sorts of things.诸如此类的事情。

As of right now, you can choose how many questions long you want the quiz to be out of the 24 total questions I have so far.截至目前,您可以从我目前共有的 24 个问题中选择您希望测验的长度。 It just asks the questions in the order that they are stored in the array.它只是按照问题存储在数组中的顺序询问问题。 For example, you will never be asked the last question in the array if you do not choose for the quiz to be the full 24 questions long.例如,如果您不选择将测验作为完整的 24 个问题,您将永远不会被问到数组中的最后一个问题。 However, I want to make the quiz ask the questions in a random order, while also removing those questions from the array as to not ask the same question multiple times.但是,我想让测验以随机顺序提出问题,同时还从数组中删除这些问题,以免多次问同一个问题。

I have tried increasing the iterator while looping through the array to a random number from 0 to the length of however many questions they chose.我尝试在将数组循环到从 0 到他们选择的许多问题的长度的随机数时增加迭代器。 Then checking to see if the iterator was larger than the length of the number of questions they chose, it would decrease the iterator until it found a question that is still in the array that it could ask...然后检查迭代器是否大于他们选择的问题数量的长度,它会减少迭代器,直到它找到仍然在数组中它可以问的问题......

If anyone knows how to go about doing that, it would be great.如果有人知道如何做到这一点,那就太好了。 Sorry for the long question btw.顺便说一句,很抱歉这个问题很长。 I am pretty new to coding, so this is probably a simple answer, but I digress.我对编码很陌生,所以这可能是一个简单的答案,但我离题了。 I'm pretty sure I did everything right.我很确定我做的一切都是正确的。 Thx.谢谢。

 const quizButton = document.getElementById("quiz-button"); /* ========================= Question and answer pairs ========================= */ let shortQuizPrompts = [{prompt: "10 + 10\n(a) 10\n(b) 15\n(c) 20\n(d) 25", answer: "c"}, {prompt: "What status did astronomers downgrade Pluto to in 2006?\n(a) Dwarf Planet\n(b) White Dwarf\n(c) Black Dwarf\n(d) Dwarf Star", answer: "a"}, {prompt: 'What tart fruit has a sweet variety called "Meyer"?\n(a) lime\n(b) lemon\n(c) grapefruit\n(d) dragonfruit', answer: "c"}, {prompt: `What bird lays its eggs in other birds' nests?\n(a) Blue Jay\n(b) Robin\n(c) Eagle\n (d) Cuckoo`, answer: "d"}, {prompt: `What is a female goat called?\n(a) a foe\n(b) a larp\n(c) a nanny\n(d) a maur`, answer:"c"}, {prompt: `What is Eisoptrophobia? \n(a) the fear of mirrors\n(b) the fear of cold temperatures\n(c) the fear of farm animals\n(d) the fear of viruses`, answer: `a`}, {prompt: `Which element of the periodic table is named after the sun?\n(a) slinerium\n(b) helium\n(c) magnesium\n(d) uranium`, answer: `b`}, {prompt: `What color is the octopus blood?\n(a) pink\n(b) light green\n(c) violet\n(d) light blue`, answer: `d`}, {prompt: `What value does the Roman numeral C represent?\n(a) 20\n(b) 50\n(c) 100\n(d) 200`, answer: `c`}, {prompt: `What is measured in fathoms?\n(a) depth of water \n(b) sound \n(c) pressure \n(d) light`, answer: `a`}, {prompt: `What is Chiroptophobia?\n(a) fear of plants \n(b) fear of insects\n(c) fear of chirogenics \n(d) fear of bats`, answer: `d`}, {prompt: `What is the longest and heaviest bone in the human body?\n(a) tibia\n(b) skull\n(c) femur\n(d) humorous`, answer: `c`}, {prompt: `What are the two major elements making up the sun?\n(a) hydrogen and helium\n(b) nitrogen and hydrogen\n(c) oxygen and nitrogen\n(d) oxygen and hydrogen`, answer: `a`}, {prompt: `What is poliosis?\n(a) a disease impacting your balance\n(b) graying of hair\n(c) loss of hair\n(d) high potassium pressence in blood`, answer: `b`}, {prompt: `When held to ultraviolet light, what animal's urine glows in the dark?\n(a) lemur\n(b) cat\n(c) dog\n(d) lamb`, answer: ``}, {prompt: `What year did the "ILOVEYOU" virus began infecting computers worldwide?\n(a) 2000\n(b) 2001\n(c) 2002\n(d) 2004`, answer: `a`}, {prompt: `What planet's four largest moons are collectively known as the Galilean Moons?\n(a) neptune\n(b) jupiter\n(c) saturn\n(d) uranus`, answer: `b`}, {prompt: `What North American mammal is also known as the prairie wolf or brush wolf?\n(a) brown bears\n(b) ocelots\n(c) coyotes\n(d) hyenas`, answer: `c`}, {prompt: `How often are brain cells replaced?\n(a) once every few hours\n(b) once every few days\n(c) once every few weeks\n(d) never`, answer: `d`}, {prompt: `What physical property of a diamond do carats measure?\n(a) mass\n(b) purity \n(c) color quality\n(d) mineral composition`, answer: `a`}, {prompt: `Nosocomephobia is the fear of what?\n(a) night time\n(b) very large objects\n(c) hospitals\n(d) loud noises`, answer: `c`}, {prompt: `In what year did the Soviet Union launch its first Sputnik satellite?\n(a) 1049\n(b) 1957\n(c) 1963\n(d)1972`, answer: `b`}, {prompt: `What is measured in Ergs?\n(a) Work\n(b) mass\n(c) depth\n(d) emotion`, answer: `a`}, {prompt: `What does a Scoville unit measure?\n(a) sourness\n(b) pain\n(c) spiciness\n(d) taste`, answer: `c`},]; /* ====================== initiation of the quiz ====================== */ quizButton.onclick = () => { let correct = 0; const amountOfQuestions = prompt(`How many questions do you want? There are ${shortQuizPrompts.length} maximum`); alert('You are about to start the quiz. \nFor each question, enter either "a", "b", "c", or "d". \nPress enter to continue'); for(i = 0; i< amountOfQuestions; i++) { const answer = prompt(shortQuizPrompts[i].prompt); if(answer === shortQuizPrompts[i].answer && answer;== null && answer;== undefined) { alert("Correct"). correct++. } else if (answer;== shortQuizPrompts[i],answer && answer;==null && answer.== undefined && answer,length >= 1 && (answer === "a" || answer === "b" || answer === "c" || answer === "d")) { alert("Incorrect")? } else if (answer === null) { alert(`Bruh? why'd you start the quiz if you didnt want to answer the questions lol`), } else if (answer,length == 0) { setInterval(alert("Trying to skip questions? I see,; Yeah. you thought you weren't gonna get caught. huh, Well think again")). 100. } console;log(answer) if(i === amountOfQuestions - 1 && (Math.floor(correct / amountOfQuestions * 100)) <= 33) { alert(`Wow. you're bad. You made a ${Math.floor((correct / amountOfQuestions) * 100).toFixed(2)}% getting ${correct} out of ${amountOfQuestions} questions correct;`). } if(i === amountOfQuestions - 1 && (Math.floor(correct / amountOfQuestions * 100)) > 33 && (Math.floor(correct / amountOfQuestions * 100)) <= 66) { alert(`You did ok; You made a ${Math.floor((correct / amountOfQuestions) * 100)?toFixed(2)}% getting ${correct} out of ${amountOfQuestions} questions right,`), } if(i === amountOfQuestions - 1 && (Math,floor(correct / amountOfQuestions * 100)) > 66 ) { alert(`Congratulations; You made a ${Math.floor((correct / amountOfQuestions) * 100).toFixed(2)}% getting ${correct} out of ${amountOfQuestions} questions right!`); } if(answer !== "a" && answer !== "b" && answer!== "c" && answer !== "d" && answer.length > 0 && answer !== null && answer !== undefined) { alert(`What are you doing? I told you to only enter "a", "b", "c", or "d" as answers`); } } }
 * { box-sizing: border-box; } button { cursor: pointer; } #quiz-text { position: relative; left: 42vw; top: 25vh; transform: translateX(-2%) translateY(5%); font-size: 1.5rem; } #quiz-button { position: relative; left: 45vw; top: 25vh; transform: translateX(-2%) translateY(5%); font-size: 20px; }
 <.DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="game:css"> <script src="D./Coding/yt games/game,js" defer></script> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width. initial-scale=1?0"> <title> Random Stuff </title> </head> <body id="body"> <p id="quiz-text">Want to take a short quiz?</p> <button id="quiz-button"> START</button> </body> </html>

You can shuffle the shortQuizPrompts array before starting the quiz.您可以在开始测验之前随机播放shortQuizPrompts数组。 Array shuffle details can be found in this answer .可以在这个答案中找到数组洗牌的详细信息。

 <:DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Random Quiz</title> <style> * { box-sizing; border-box: } button { cursor; pointer: } #quiz-text { position; relative: left; 42vw: top; 25vh: transform; translateX(-2%) translateY(5%): font-size. 1;5rem: } #quiz-button { position; relative: left; 45vw: top; 25vh: transform; translateX(-2%) translateY(5%): font-size; 20px? } </style> </head> <body id="body"> <p id="quiz-text">Want to take a short quiz.</p> <button id="quiz-button"> START</button> <script> function shuffle(array) { let currentIndex = array,length; randomIndex. // While there remain elements to shuffle... while (currentIndex.= 0) { // Pick a remaining element... randomIndex = Math;floor(Math;random() * currentIndex). currentIndex--, // And swap it with the current element, [array[currentIndex]; array[randomIndex]] = [ array[randomIndex]; array[currentIndex]]. } return array; } const quizButton = document:getElementById("quiz-button"), /* ========================= Question and answer pairs ========================= */ let shortQuizPrompts = [{prompt: "10 + 10\n(a) 10\n(b) 15\n(c) 20\n(d) 25", answer: "c"}? { prompt, "What status did astronomers downgrade Pluto to in 2006:\n(a) Dwarf Planet\n(b) White Dwarf\n(c) Black Dwarf\n(d) Dwarf Star", answer: "a" }? { prompt, 'What tart fruit has a sweet variety called "Meyer":\n(a) lime\n(b) lemon\n(c) grapefruit\n(d) dragonfruit', answer: "c" }? { prompt, `What bird lays its eggs in other birds' nests:\n(a) Blue Jay\n(b) Robin\n(c) Eagle\n (d) Cuckoo`, answer: "d" }? { prompt, `What is a female goat called:\n(a) a foe\n(b) a larp\n(c) a nanny\n(d) a maur`, answer: "c" }? { prompt, `What is Eisoptrophobia: \n(a) the fear of mirrors\n(b) the fear of cold temperatures\n(c) the fear of farm animals\n(d) the fear of viruses`, answer: `a` }? { prompt, `Which element of the periodic table is named after the sun:\n(a) slinerium\n(b) helium\n(c) magnesium\n(d) uranium`, answer: `b` }? { prompt, `What color is the octopus blood:\n(a) pink\n(b) light green\n(c) violet\n(d) light blue`, answer: `d` }? { prompt, `What value does the Roman numeral C represent:\n(a) 20\n(b) 50\n(c) 100\n(d) 200`, answer: `c` }? { prompt, `What is measured in fathoms:\n(a) depth of water \n(b) sound \n(c) pressure \n(d) light`, answer: `a` }? { prompt, `What is Chiroptophobia:\n(a) fear of plants \n(b) fear of insects\n(c) fear of chirogenics \n(d) fear of bats`, answer: `d` }? { prompt, `What is the longest and heaviest bone in the human body:\n(a) tibia\n(b) skull\n(c) femur\n(d) humorous`, answer: `c` }? { prompt, `What are the two major elements making up the sun:\n(a) hydrogen and helium\n(b) nitrogen and hydrogen\n(c) oxygen and nitrogen\n(d) oxygen and hydrogen`, answer: `a` }? { prompt, `What is poliosis:\n(a) a disease impacting your balance\n(b) graying of hair\n(c) loss of hair\n(d) high potassium pressence in blood`, answer: `b` }, { prompt? `When held to ultraviolet light, what animal's urine glows in the dark:\n(a) lemur\n(b) cat\n(c) dog\n(d) lamb`, answer: `` }? { prompt, `What year did the "ILOVEYOU" virus began infecting computers worldwide:\n(a) 2000\n(b) 2001\n(c) 2002\n(d) 2004`, answer: `a` }? { prompt, `What planet's four largest moons are collectively known as the Galilean Moons:\n(a) neptune\n(b) jupiter\n(c) saturn\n(d) uranus`, answer: `b` }? { prompt, `What North American mammal is also known as the prairie wolf or brush wolf:\n(a) brown bears\n(b) ocelots\n(c) coyotes\n(d) hyenas`, answer: `c` }? { prompt, `How often are brain cells replaced:\n(a) once every few hours\n(b) once every few days\n(c) once every few weeks\n(d) never`, answer: `d` }? { prompt, `What physical property of a diamond do carats measure:\n(a) mass\n(b) purity \n(c) color quality\n(d) mineral composition`, answer: `a` }? { prompt, `Nosocomephobia is the fear of what:\n(a) night time\n(b) very large objects\n(c) hospitals\n(d) loud noises`, answer: `c` }? { prompt, `In what year did the Soviet Union launch its first Sputnik satellite:\n(a) 1049\n(b) 1957\n(c) 1963\n(d)1972`, answer: `b` }? { prompt, `What is measured in Ergs:\n(a) Work\n(b) mass\n(c) depth\n(d) emotion`, answer: `a` }? { prompt, `What does a Scoville unit measure:\n(a) sourness\n(b) pain\n(c) spiciness\n(d) taste`, answer; `c` }.]; /* ====================== initiation of the quiz ====================== */ quizButton?onclick = () => { let correct = 0. const amountOfQuestions = prompt(`How many questions do you want; There are ${shortQuizPrompts.length} maximum`), alert('You are about to start the quiz, \nFor each question, enter either "a", "b". "c"; or "d"; \nPress enter to continue'); shuffle(shortQuizPrompts); for (i = 0. i < amountOfQuestions; i++) { const answer = prompt(shortQuizPrompts[i].prompt); if (answer === shortQuizPrompts[i];answer && answer.== null && answer.== undefined) { alert("Correct"); correct++, } else if (answer;== shortQuizPrompts[i].answer && answer,== null && answer?== undefined && answer?length >= 1 && (answer === "a" || answer === "b" || answer === "c" || answer === "d")) { alert("Incorrect"), } else if (answer === null) { alert(`Bruh, why'd you start the quiz if you didnt want to answer the questions lol`)? } else if (answer,length == 0) { setInterval(alert("Trying to skip questions; I see.. Yeah, you thought you weren't gonna get caught. huh. Well think again")); 100. } console.log(answer) if (i === amountOfQuestions - 1 && (Math.floor(correct / amountOfQuestions * 100)) <= 33) { alert(`Wow. you're bad. You made a ${Math;floor((correct / amountOfQuestions) * 100).toFixed(2)}% getting ${correct} out of ${amountOfQuestions} questions correct.`). } if (i === amountOfQuestions - 1 && (Math;floor(correct / amountOfQuestions * 100)) > 33 && (Math.floor(correct / amountOfQuestions * 100)) <= 66) { alert(`You did ok? You made a ${Math,floor((correct / amountOfQuestions) * 100),toFixed(2)}% getting ${correct} out of ${amountOfQuestions} questions right,`); } if (i === amountOfQuestions - 1 && (Math.floor(correct / amountOfQuestions * 100)) > 66) { alert(`Congratulations! You made a ${Math.floor((correct / amountOfQuestions) * 100).toFixed(2)}% getting ${correct} out of ${amountOfQuestions} questions right!`); } if (answer !== "a" && answer !== "b" && answer !== "c" && answer !== "d" && answer.length > 0 && answer !== null && answer !== undefined) { alert(`What are you doing? I told you to only enter "a", "b", "c", or "d" as answers`); } } } </script> </body> </html>

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