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为什么使用 Gevent Pool 管理服务器中的 Greenlet 连接?

[英]Why Use Gevent Pool to Manage Greenlet Connections in a Server?

I am working with a Python server which spawns a greenlet for each connection to the server.我正在使用 Python 服务器,它为与服务器的每个连接生成一个 greenlet。 Currently, the server doesn't make use of a greenlet pool.目前,服务器不使用 greenlet 池。 While it was my hunch that using a pool would improve performance (mainly response time and requests-per-second throughput), in my trial-and-error implementing a pool of greenlets, there doesn't seem be much performance benefit over just using Gevent.spawn() for each greenlet/connection.虽然我的预感是使用池可以提高性能(主要是响应时间和每秒请求的吞吐量),但在我实现 greenlets 池的反复试验中,似乎与仅使用相比没有太大的性能优势每个绿灯/连接的 Gevent.spawn()。

I have seen this question, which is helpful, although I am curious about the application of a greenlet pool, like Gevent Pool, in a server.我已经看到了这个问题,这很有帮助,尽管我对在服务器中应用 greenlet 池(如Gevent 池)感到好奇。 Is this a useful pattern, a la thread pool?这是一个有用的模式,一个线程池吗? Or, does using a Pool not matter in the case of a server, since Greenlets are so lightweight compared with threads?或者,在服务器的情况下使用池是否无关紧要,因为 Greenlets 与线程相比是如此轻量级?

Greenlets are lightweight but they do consume memory. Greenlets 是轻量级的,但它们确实消耗 memory。 So, even though the number of greenlets a process can support is going to be much larger than the number of threads the OS can support, there is still a cost to them.因此,即使一个进程可以支持的 greenlet 数量将远远大于操作系统可以支持的线程数量,它们仍然需要付出代价。 So a pool is still a useful tool for limiting the number of greenlets that can be spawned - but its size would likely be best set considerably larger than a limit for actual threads would be.因此,池仍然是限制可以生成的 greenlet 数量的有用工具 - 但最好将其大小设置为比实际线程的限制大得多。

Also, due to their cooperative multitasking nature, the latency on each request (assuming each new request is handled by a new greenlet) would continue to rise as the number of greenlets increases.此外,由于它们的协作多任务性质,每个请求的延迟(假设每个新请求都由新的 greenlet 处理)将随着 greenlet 数量的增加而继续上升。 There's a tradeoff between allowing more requests at once and creating poor UX when each request takes an increasing amount of time to complete.当每个请求需要越来越多的时间才能完成时,需要在一次允许更多请求和创建糟糕的用户体验之间进行权衡。 It's sometimes better to cap your incoming load and reject new requests - and a pool is a useful way to do that.有时最好限制传入的负载并拒绝新请求 - 池是一种有用的方法。

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