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[英]Split string by comma, but ignore commas within brackets

I'm trying to split a string by commas using python:我正在尝试使用 python 以逗号分隔字符串:

s = "year:2020,concepts:[ab553,cd779],publisher:elsevier"

But I want to ignore any commas within brackets [].但我想忽略方括号 [] 中的任何逗号。 So the result for above would be:所以上面的结果是:

["year:2020", "concepts:[ab553,cd779]", "publisher:elsevier"]

Anybody have advice on how to do this?有人对如何执行此操作有建议吗? I tried to use re.split like so:我试着像这样使用 re.split:

params = re.split(",(?![\w\d\s])", param)

But it is not working properly.但它不能正常工作。

result = re.split(r",(?!(?:[^,\[\]]+,)*[^,\[\]]+])", subject, 0)
,                 # Match the character “,” literally
(?!               # Assert that it is impossible to match the regex below starting at this position (negative lookahead)
   (?:               # Match the regular expression below
      [^,\[\]]          # Match any single character NOT present in the list below
                           # The literal character “,”
                           # The literal character “[”
                           # The literal character “]”
         +                 # Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
      ,                 # Match the character “,” literally
      *                 # Between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
   [^,\[\]]          # Match any single character NOT present in the list below
                        # The literal character “,”
                        # The literal character “[”
                        # The literal character “]”
      +                 # Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
   ]                 # Match the character “]” literally

Updated to support more than 2 items in brackets.更新以支持括号中的 2 个以上的项目。 Eg例如


You can work this out using a user-defined function instead of split:您可以使用用户定义的 function 而不是拆分来解决此问题:

s = "year:2020,concepts:[ab553,cd779],publisher:elsevier"

def split_by_commas(s):
    lst = list()
    last_bracket = ''
    word = ""
    for c in s:
        if c == '[' or c == ']':
            last_bracket = c
        if c == ',' and last_bracket == ']':
            word = ""
        elif c == ',' and last_bracket == '[':
            word += c
        elif c == ',':
            word = ""
        word += c
    return lst
main_lst = split_by_commas(s)


The result of the run of above code:上述代码运行结果:

['year:2020', 'concepts:[ab553,cd779]', 'publisher:elsevier']

This regex works on your example:此正则表达式适用于您的示例:


Here, we use a positive lookahead to look for commas followed by non-comma and colon characters, then a colon.在这里,我们使用正向前瞻来查找逗号,后跟非逗号和冒号字符,然后是冒号。 This correctly finds the <comma><key> pattern you are searching for.这会正确找到您正在搜索的<comma><key>模式。 Of course, if the keys are allowed to have commas, this would have to be adapted a little further.当然,如果允许键有逗号,则必须进一步调整。

You can check out the regexr here你可以在这里查看正则表达式

Using a pattern with only a lookahead to assert a character to the right, will not assert if there is an accompanying character on the left.使用仅具有前瞻的模式来断言右侧的字符,如果左侧有伴随字符,则不会断言。

Instead of using split, you could either match 1 or more repetitions of values between square brackets, or match any character except a comma.除了使用拆分之外,您还可以匹配方括号之间的 1 个或多个重复值,或者匹配除逗号之外的任何字符。


Regex demo正则表达式演示

s = "year:2020,concepts:[ab553,cd779],publisher:elsevier"
params = re.findall(r"(?:[^,]*\[[^][]*])+[^,]*|[^,]+", s)

Output Output

['year:2020', 'concepts:[ab553,cd779]', 'publisher:elsevier']

I adapted @Bemwa's solution (which didn't work for my use-case)我采用了@Bemwa 的解决方案(不适用于我的用例)

def split_by_commas(s):
    lst = list()
    brackets = 0
    word = ""
    for c in s:
        if c == "[":
            brackets += 1
        elif c == "]":
            if brackets > 0:
                brackets -= 1
        elif c == "," and not brackets:
            word = ""
        word += c
    return lst

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