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如何在 xcode 13.2.1 中创建主从应用程序?

[英]How to create Master Detail app in xcode 13.2.1?

As shown in image there is no option for Master detail app which was available in older version of xcode...So question is it's name is changed or it is deprecated and not available in latest xcode versions?如图所示,在旧版本的 xcode 中没有可用的 Master detail 应用程序的选项......所以问题是它的名称已更改或已弃用且在最新的 xcode 版本中不可用? (one in the dark mode is latest xcode version while the other in light mode is older xcode) (暗模式下的一个是最新的 xcode 版本,而亮模式下的另一个是较旧的 xcode)


In fact this was changed even earlier - since XCode 12. For now all previously available templates like Master-Detail, Single View, Tabbed application are represented by single template - App .事实上,这在更早的时候就已经改变了——从 XCode 12 开始。现在所有以前可用的模板,如 Master-Detail、Single View、Tabbed 应用程序都由单个模板 - App表示。

For now you can (and should) create application flows on your own.现在,您可以(并且应该)自己创建应用程序流。 This was done because Apple introduced new components with an easy API that make templates useless.之所以这样做,是因为 Apple 推出了新组件,其中包含一个简单的 API,使模板变得无用。

Eg specifically for your case - since iOS 14 you can use UISplitViewController for creating master-details apps with very simple API - you can do it either programatically or via storyboards.例如,专门针对您的情况 - 自 iOS 14 起,您可以使用UISplitViewController使用非常简单的 API 创建主详细信息应用程序 - 您可以通过编程方式或通过情节提要来完成。 If you want to have master-detail app with lower deployment target where UISplitViewController is not available - you have to use approach from Master-detail template using separate view controllers and segues.如果您希望在 UISplitViewController 不可用的情况下拥有具有较低部署目标的主从应用程序 - 您必须使用主从模板中的方法,使用单独的视图控制器和 segues。

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