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AbsoluteLayout 不存在于最新的 nventive UNO?

[英]AbsoluteLayout not present on latest nventive UNO?

This code in the xaml file, render's nothing: Please suggest as what to use to position the controls absolutely on the page.此代码在 xaml 文件中,没有渲染:请绝对在页面上对 position 控件建议使用什么。

AbsoluteLayout is a naming coming from Xamarin.Forms/MAUI. AbsoluteLayout是来自 Xamarin.Forms/MAUI 的命名。 In the WPF/WinUI/UWP XAML, the analogous layout panel is called Canvas .在 WPF/WinUI/UWP XAML 中,类似的布局面板称为Canvas

You can layout its children by setting the Canvas.Left and Canvas.Top properties:您可以通过设置Canvas.LeftCanvas.Top属性来布局其子级:

<Canvas Width="400" Height="400">
         Canvas.Left="100" Canvas.Top="50" 
         Width="100" Height="100" Background="Red" />
         Canvas.Left="20" Canvas.Top="200" 
         Width="50" Height="50" Background="Blue" />

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