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Marklogic - 光学 API:按值连接视图(op:on 不支持值,仅支持列引用)

[英]Marklogic - Optic API: Joining views by value (op:on does not support values, only column-references)

I'm trying to join two views " A " and " B " using the op:join-left-outer function.我正在尝试使用op:join-left-outer function 加入两个视图“ A ”和“ B ”。

I have two "ON-conditions" for the JOIN:对于 JOIN,我有两个“开启条件”:

  1. The first one is a simple op:on function.第一个是简单的op:on function 上。 (And not a part of my problem) (而不是我的问题的一部分)
  2. The second one should be an ON-condition joining a column by value ( $myValue ).第二个应该是按值 ( $myValue ) 连接列的 ON 条件。 But op:on does not support values, only column-references.但是op:on不支持值,只支持列引用。 So the following code doesn't work:所以下面的代码不起作用:
let $aView := op:from-view("foobar", "A")
let $bView := op:from-view("foobar", "B")

let $myValue := "42"

let $opticQuery := op:join-left-outer(
    op:on(op:view-col("A", "SOME_COLUMN"), op:view-col("B", "SOME_COLUMN")),
    (: Not working pseudo code following :)
    op:on(op:view-col("B", "SOME_OTHER_COLUMN"), $myValue)

In SQL I would write something like this:在 SQL 我会这样写:


My question: Is there a way to do the same in Optic API or am I doing something wrong?我的问题:有没有办法在光学 API 中做同样的事情,还是我做错了什么?

Interestingly enough, when trying to use a second op:on() with column references on left and right (by binding 42 as a new column on aView), I also did not get expected results.有趣的是,当尝试使用第二个op:on()与左右列引用(通过将 42 绑定为 aView 上的新列)时,我也没有得到预期的结果。

However, the Optic API does seem to allow you to do what you want if expressed in a different way:但是,如果以不同的方式表示,光学 API 似乎确实允许您做您想做的事情:

Therefore, I would expect that you can remove your second op:on() and use the following as the 4th param: op:eq(op:view-col("B", "SOME_OTHER_COLUMN"), $myValue)因此,我希望您可以删除第二个op:on()并将以下内容用作第四个参数: op:eq(op:view-col("B", "SOME_OTHER_COLUMN"), $myValue)

A free-standing sample is below -where the resulting second row has null values for the outer joined table下面是一个独立的示例-生成的第二行具有外部连接表的 null 值

xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace op="http://marklogic.com/optic"
 at "/MarkLogic/optic.xqy";

let $myVal := 42

let $plan-table-1 := op:from-literals((
        map:entry("col1", 1) => map:with("val", "a"),
        map:entry("col1", 2) => map:with("val", "b")
        ), "table1")     

let $plan-table-2 := op:from-literals((
        map:entry("col1", 1) => map:with("val2", "c") => map:with("someOtherCol", 42),
        map:entry("col1", 2) => map:with("val2", "d") => map:with("someOtherCol", 8)
        ), "table2")

return op:join-left-outer(
  op:on(op:view-col("table1", "col1"), op:view-col("table2", "col1")), 
  op:eq(op:view-col("table2", "someOtherCol"), $myVal)

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