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如何使用三路比较(spaceship op)实现不同类型之间的operator==?

[英]How to use three-way comparison (spaceship op) to implement operator== between different types?

Simple Task: I have these two types简单任务:我有这两种类型

struct type_a{
   int member;

struct type_b{
   int member;

I want to use this new C++20 spaceship op that everyone says is so cool to be able to write type_a{} == type_b{} .我想使用这个新的 C++20 宇宙飞船操作,每个人都说它很酷,能够编写type_a{} == type_b{} I didn't manage to do that.我没能做到。 Even if I write operator<=> between them, I only ever can call type_a{} <=> type_b{} , but never a simple comparison.即使我在它们之间写了operator<=> ,我也只能调用type_a{} <=> type_b{} ,但绝不是简单的比较。 That confuses me as with a single class, the three-way comparison also defines all the others.这让我与单个 class 混淆,三路比较也定义了所有其他比较。

Alternative formulation?替代配方? How to make it so that std::three_way_comparable_with<type_a, type_b> is true?如何使std::three_way_comparable_with<type_a, type_b>为真?

The premise of the question is wrong.问题的前提是错误的。 You don't use the three-way comparison operator ( <=> ) to implement == : you use == to implement == :您不使用三路比较运算符( <=> )来实现== :您使用==来实现==

bool operator==(type_a a, type_b b) {
    return a.member == b.member;

The source of confusion is that there is one exception to this rule: if a type declares a defaulted <=> then it also declares a defaulted == :混淆的来源是这个规则有一个例外:如果一个类型声明了一个默认<=>那么它声明了一个默认==

struct type_c {
    int member;
    auto operator<=>(type_c const&) const = default;

That declaration is equivalent to having written:该声明相当于写了:

struct type_c {
    int member;
    bool operator==(type_c const&) const = default;
    auto operator<=>(type_c const&) const = default;

But it's not the <=> that gives you == : it's still the == , and only == , that gives you == .但不是<=>给你== :它仍然是== ,只有==给你==

I recommend making one type convertible to the other:我建议将一种类型转换为另一种类型:

struct type_a{
   int member;
   friend auto operator<=>(const type_a&, const type_a&) = default;

struct type_b{
   int member;
   operator type_a() {
       return {member};

This was the solution before operator<=> too, but now it's simpler to define the comparisons for the common type.这也是 operator<=> 之前的解决方案,但现在定义通用类型的比较更简单。

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