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循环检查纯 javascript 中下拉列表和复选框的组合

[英]loop to check combination of dropdown & checkbox in pure javascript

Good morning.早上好。 I have a page with 1 dropdown menu that has 24 options to select.我有一个带有 1 个下拉菜单的页面,其中包含 select 的 24 个选项。 As well There are 12 checkboxes to select. select 也有 12 个复选框。 Each dropdown option and each checkbox has a predefined variable.每个下拉选项和每个复选框都有一个预定义的变量。 ie:: dropdown value="utcValue0 -> var utc0 and checkbox value id="gameCheck" -> var gameTag desired output here is a new variable var a = utc0 + gameTag ; ie:: dropdown value="utcValue0 -> var utc0 and checkbox value id="gameCheck" -> var gameTag desired output 这是一个新变量var a = utc0 + gameTag

My current solution works, however it is very tedious and terrible to read and there must be a whole lot easier way to handle this.我目前的解决方案有效,但是阅读起来非常乏味和糟糕,必须有一种更简单的方法来处理这个问题。 I'm at the moment just defining each scenario 1 by 1. Considering it's 24 dropdown menus and 12 checkboxes this can not be the way.. I think it can be done with a smart nested loop, but I can't come up with how to actually write that.我目前只是逐个定义每个场景。考虑到它有 24 个下拉菜单和 12 个复选框,这不可能。我认为它可以通过智能嵌套循环来完成,但我想不出如何实际编写。

I'd highly appreciate some help!我非常感谢一些帮助! Thank you so much!太感谢了!

    <select name="hourSelector" id="hourSelectorID">
      <option value="utcValue0">0 - 1 UTC</option>
      <option value="utcValue1">1 - 2 UTC</option>
      <option value="utcValue2">2 - 3 UTC</option>
      <option value="utcValue3">3 - 4 UTC</option>                
      <option value="utcValue4">4 - 5 UTC</option>
      <option value="utcValue5">5 - 6 UTC</option>

       <input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" id="gameCheck">
       <input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" id="purchCheck">
       <input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" id="inputCheck">
    var utc0 = 'something';
    var utc1 = 'something';
    var utc2 = 'something';
    var utc3 = 'something';
    var utc4 = 'something';
    var utc5 = 'something';
    //var utcX = 'created>"' + todayUTC + 'T00:00:00Z"' + ' ' + 'created<"' + todayUTC + 'T01:00:00Z"';

var gameTag = 'whatever';
var purchTag = 'otherwhatever';
var eventTag = 'morewhatver';

  // grab input Hour
  var hourDropdown = document.getElementById("hourSelectorID");
  var selectedHour = hourDropdown.options[hourDropdown.selectedIndex].value;

    if (document.getElementById('gameCheck').checked) {
      if (selectedHour == 'utcValue0' ) {
        var a = utc0 + eventTag
      if (selectedHour == 'utcValue1') {
        var a = utc1 + eventTag
      if (selectedHour == 'utcValue2') {
        var a = utc2 + eventTag
      if (selectedHour == 'utcValue3') {
        var a = utc3 + eventTag
      if (selectedHour == 'utcValue4') {
        var a = utc4 + eventTag
      if (selectedHour == 'utcValue5') {
        var a = utc5 + eventTag

You have changed your question so I'm not sure with what follows.你已经改变了你的问题,所以我不确定接下来会发生什么。 Drop a comment below for adjustments or questions:-)在下方发表评论以获取调整或问题:-)

 var formEl = document.getElementById("form"); var selectEl = document.getElementById("hourSelectorID"); var checkboxEls = Array.prototype.slice.call( document.getElementsByClassName("custom-control-input") ); // option elements for (let i = 0; i < 24; i++) { let optionEl = document.createElement("option"); optionEl.value = "utcValue" + i; optionEl.textContent = i + " - " + (i + 1) + " UTC"; selectEl.appendChild(optionEl); } // form submit formEl.addEventListener("submit", function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); console.log(toStringStuff()); }); // rename as needed:-) function toStringStuff () { var now = Date.now(); // in ms var hourInMs = 1000 * 60 * 60; var dayInMs = hourInMs * 24; var today = now - now % dayInMs; // `now` with time set to 0 var i = selectEl.selectedIndex; // hours to add to `today` var dt0 = new Date(today + i * hourInMs).toISOString(); var dt1 = new Date(today + (i + 1) * hourInMs).toISOString(); var utc = 'created>"' + dt0 + ' ' + 'created<"' + dt1; return [utc].concat(checkboxEls.filter( function (el) { return el.checked; } ).map( function (el) { return el.value; } )).join(" "); }
 <form id="form"> <select id="hourSelectorID" name="hourSelector" ></select> <label><input id="gameCheck" type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" value="gameTag" checked > Game Check</label> <label><input id="purchCheck" type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" value="purchTag" checked > Purch Check</label> <input type="submit"> </form>

Here is a solution taking advantage of the options indexes matching the itteration of the string.这是一个利用与字符串迭代匹配的选项索引的解决方案。 It takes the index of the selected option and changes the string accordingly while concatenating the values from selected checkboxes.它采用所选选项的索引并相应地更改字符串,同时连接来自所选复选框的值。

 let dateUTC = new Date(); let todayUTC = dateUTC.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + (('0' + dateUTC.getUTCMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + '-' + ('0' + dateUTC.getUTCDate()).slice(-2); const select = document.querySelector("#hourSelectorID"); const allCheckboxes = document.querySelectorAll('input[name="chkBox"]'); const elements = [select, ...[...allCheckboxes]]; elements.forEach(el => { el.addEventListener("change", () => { let checkedValues = [] const checked = [...allCheckboxes].filter(cb => cb.checked); checked.forEach(cb => checkedValues.push(cb.value)) console.log(`created>" ${todayUTC} T0${select.selectedIndex}:00:00Z" created<" ${todayUTC} T0${select.selectedIndex+1}:00:00Z" ${checkedValues.join(' ')}`) }); });
 <select name="hourSelector" id="hourSelectorID"> <option value="utcValue0">0 - 1 UTC</option> <option value="utcValue1">1 - 2 UTC</option> <option value="utcValue2">2 - 3 UTC</option> <option value="utcValue3">3 - 4 UTC</option> <option value="utcValue4">4 - 5 UTC</option> <option value="utcValue5">5 - 6 UTC</option> </select> <input value="whatever" type="checkbox" name="chkBox" class="custom-control-input" id="gameCheck"> <input value="otherwhatever" type="checkbox" name="chkBox" class="custom-control-input" id="purchCheck"> <input value="morewhatver" type="checkbox" name="chkBox" class="custom-control-input" id="inputCheck">

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