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[英]How can I make sure a filesystem is ready for unmounting in a test script?

I'm using bats to test some bash scripts.我正在使用蝙蝠来测试一些 bash 脚本。 In one of the test, I need to mount a generated iso disk image and make assertions on its content.在其中一项测试中,我需要挂载生成的 iso 磁盘映像并对其内容进行断言。

When I try to unmount the disk image right after the test, I get a Device or resource busy error unless I insert a sleep-time before the unmount operation.当我尝试在测试后立即卸载磁盘映像时,我会收到Device or resource busy错误,除非我在卸载操作之前插入睡眠时间。

The script looks like this:脚本如下所示:

setup() {
  load 'test_helper/bats-support/load'
  load 'test_helper/bats-assert/load'

teardown() {
  if [ -f "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR"/mnt/my_file.txt ]; then
    sleep 1
    fusermount -u "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR"/mnt

@test 'check iso content' {
  generate_iso "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR"/my_iso.iso
  mkdir "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR"/mnt
  fuseiso "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR"/my_iso.iso "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR"/mnt
  assert grep 'A required string' < "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR"/mnt/my_file.txt

This somehow works but I'm not 100% happy with the arbitrary sleep-time that may or may not be sufficient for the unmount to be successful depending on how soon the file is closed.这在某种程度上可行,但我对任意睡眠时间不是 100% 满意,这可能足以或可能不足以使卸载成功,具体取决于文件关闭的时间。

I tried to kill the process accessing the mounted filesystem by using fuser -mk "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR"/mnt instead of sleeping but this would eventually kill the process running the tests.我试图通过使用fuser -mk "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR"/mnt而不是休眠来终止访问已安装文件系统的进程,但这最终会终止运行测试的进程。

Is there any way I can avoid the arbitrary sleep-time?有什么办法可以避免任意睡眠时间? Can I ask the OS to wait for the file to be closed before proceeding?我可以要求操作系统在继续之前等待文件关闭吗? Any help would be greatly appreciated.任何帮助将不胜感激。

That was actually really easy, I just needed to close the file in the last grep (note the <&- ):这实际上非常简单,我只需要关闭最后一个grep中的文件(注意<&- ):

assert grep 'A required string' <&- "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR"/mnt/my_file.txt

teardown() {
  if [ -f "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR"/mnt/my_file.txt ]; then
    fusermount -u "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR"/mnt

@test 'check iso content' {
  generate_iso "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR"/my_iso.iso
  mkdir "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR"/mnt
  fuseiso "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR"/my_iso.iso "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR"/mnt
  assert grep 'A required string' <&- "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR"/mnt/my_file.txt

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