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Sikuli - 如何关闭 FindFailed 异常,setThrowException() 不起作用

[英]Sikuli - How to turn off FindFailed exceptions, setThrowException() not working

I'm using Sikulix IDE v2.0.5 and trying to search on the screen a specific word, then look at his right if there is another specific word.我正在使用 Sikulix IDE v2.0.5 并尝试在屏幕上搜索特定单词,然后查看他的右侧是否有另一个特定单词。

I saw that I should use setThrowException(False) to Skip the FindFailed Exception, but when implementing it I still get them thrown.我看到我应该使用setThrowException(False)来跳过 FindFailed 异常,但是在实现它时我仍然会抛出它们。



[error] FindFailed ( 1642158588596.png: (74x10) seen at (443, 190) with 1,00 in R[517,190 300x10]@S(0) )
[error] --- Traceback --- error source first
line: module ( function ) statement 
6: main (  <module> )     if link.right(300).find("1642158588596.png"):
[error] --- Traceback --- end --------------

Looks like SCREEN.setThrowException(False) wasn't taken into account after using Region's right() function.使用 Region 的right() function 后,似乎没有考虑SCREEN.setThrowException(False)

For it to work I needed to set the exception on the new Region returned by right() :为了让它工作,我需要在right()返回的新区域上设置异常:

for word in words:
    word = word.right(300)

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