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将 unsigned int 绑定到 signed int 引用是否安全?

[英]Is it safe to bind an unsigned int to a signed int reference?

After coming across something similar in a co-worker's code, I'm having trouble understanding why/how this code executes without compiler warnings or errors.在同事的代码中遇到类似的东西后,我很难理解为什么/如何在没有编译器警告或错误的情况下执行此代码。

#include <iostream>

int main (void)
    unsigned int u = 42;

    const int& s = u;

    std::cout << "u=" << u << " s=" << s << "\n";

    u = 6 * 9;

    std::cout << "u=" << u << " s=" << s << "\n";

Output: Output:

u=42 s=42
u=54 s=42

First, I expect the compiler to issue some kind of diagnostic when I mix signed/unsigned integers like this.首先,当我像这样混合有符号/无符号整数时,我希望编译器发出某种诊断。 Certainly it does if I attempt to compare with < .如果我尝试与<进行比较,当然可以。 That's one thing that confuses me.这是让我困惑的一件事。

Second, I'm not sure how the second line of output is generated.其次,我不确定 output 的第二行是如何生成的。 I expected the value of s to be 54. How does this work?我预计s的值为 54。这是如何工作的? Is the compiler creating an anonymous, automatic signed integer variable, assigning the value of u , and pointing the reference s at that value?编译器是否正在创建一个匿名的、自动签名的 integer 变量,分配u的值,并将引用s指向该值? Or is it doing something else, like changing s from a reference to a plain integer variable?还是它在做其他事情,比如将s从引用更改为普通变量 integer?

References can't bind to objects with different type directly.引用不能直接绑定到不同类型的对象。 Given const int& s = u;给定const int& s = u; , u is implicitly converted to int firstly, which is a temporary and then s binds to the temporary int . u首先隐式转换为int ,这是一个临时的,然后s绑定到临时的int (Lvalue-references to const (and rvalue-references) could bind to temporaries.) The lifetime of the temporary is prolonged to the lifetime of s , ie it'll be destroyed when get out of main . (对const的左值引用(和右值引用)可以绑定到临时对象。)临时对象的生命周期延长到s的生命周期,即离开main时它将被销毁。

Both int and unsigned int are stored in the memory as 4 bytes with total of 32-bits (May vary according to the used compiler) to represent their values in binary form of base-2. intunsigned int都存储在 memory 中,为 4 字节,总共 32 位(可能因使用的编译器而异),以二进制形式表示它们的值。
The main difference between them is that the regular int reserves the most significant bit (The 32 nd bit) for the sign magnitude where:它们之间的主要区别在于,常规int为符号幅度保留了最高有效位(第32位),其中:
0 means positive integer and 1 mean negative integer. 0 表示正 integer,1 表示负 integer。
and therefore int can carry values up to 2^31 of positive and negative integers.因此int可以携带最多2^31个正整数和负整数的值。
while the unsigned int uses the whole 32-bits allowing the variable to carry 2^32unsigned int使用整个 32 位,允许变量携带2^32
Which is the double of what a normal int can hold.这是普通int可以容纳的两倍。 So exchanging values between int and unsigned int is fine as long as the value is positive and less than or equal to 2^31 assigning larger or negative values is possible but it will cause overflow and assign values that are different from the expected ones.因此,在intunsigned int之间交换值是可以的,只要该值为正且小于或等于2^31即可分配更大或负的值,但它会导致溢出并分配与预期值不同的值。

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