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桌面桥应用程序是否通过 Microsoft 商店自动更新

[英]Does a desktop-bridge app auto-update through the Microsoft store

I have a traditional Win32 desktop app written in C++/MFC that I have packaged as a UWP app for the Microsoft store using the desktop-bridge facility in Visual Studio 2019. It is currently published on the store, and users have been downloading it successfully.我有一个用 C++/MFC 编写的传统 Win32 桌面应用程序,我使用 Visual Studio 2019 中的桌面桥工具将它打包为 Microsoft 商店的 UWP 应用程序。它目前已在商店中发布,用户已成功下载.

I now need to release an update.我现在需要发布更新。 I have incremented the Version numbers in the Packaging tab of the Package.appxmanifest and have a package just-about ready to submit to the Store.我已经在Package.appxmanifest的“打包”选项卡中增加了版本号,并且有一个 package 即将提交到商店。 I hope (expect?) that current users will get their existing copy of the app automatically updated if they have set that choice in the Store app itself, or if they manually check the Store for updates.我希望(期望?)如果当前用户在商店应用程序本身中设置了该选项,或者如果他们手动检查商店以获取更新,他们将自动更新他们现有的应用程序副本。 However, I am not sure whether that is actually true.但是,我不确定这是否真的如此。 Do I need to do anything within my program itself to make that happen?我是否需要在我的程序本身内做任何事情来实现这一点?

Thanks for any help.谢谢你的帮助。

Yes, desktop bridge apps published in the Store update automatically.是的,在商店中发布的桌面桥应用程序会自动更新。


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