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[英]How do I loop variable names based on values in a list

I have this list with five heights in it and I want to put it in a loop to create five separate dataframes indexed by these numbers.我有一个包含五个高度的列表,我想把它放在一个循环中,以创建由这些数字索引的五个单独的数据框。 This would include creating a column name based on different height, reading a csv file and assigning the colNames to it, and finally dropping the unused columns.这将包括根据不同的高度创建列名,读取 csv 文件并为其分配 colNames,最后删除未使用的列。 I have multiple blocks of the same code to do this but I want to learn how to do it with a loop so I can clean up my script.我有多个相同代码块来执行此操作,但我想学习如何使用循环来执行此操作,以便清理我的脚本。

I get a NameError: name 'colNames' is not defined.我得到一个 NameError: name 'colNames' is not defined。

    i = 0
    height = ['0', '5', '15', '25', '50']
    while i < len(height):
        colNames["height{}".format(i)] = ["A", "B_%s" % height, "C", "D"]
        df["height{}".format(i)] = pd.read_csv("test%s.csv" % height, names = colNames["height{}".format(i)])
        df["height{}".format(i)].drop(labels = ["A", "C"],axis = 1, inplace = True)

        i += 1

Expected results预期成绩

colNames0 = ["A", "B_0", "C", "D"]
df0 = pd.read_csv("test0.csv", names = colNames0])
df0.drop(labels = ["A", "C"], axis = 1, inplace = True)


colNames50 = ["A", "B_0", "C", "D"]
df50 = pd.read_csv("test50.csv", names = colNames50])
df50.drop(labels = ["A", "C"], axis = 1, inplace = True)

Trying to name separate DataFrames in this way is a bit unwieldy in Python, but here is how I might go about writing a loop for the problem you pose:在 Python 中尝试以这种方式命名单独的 DataFrame 有点笨拙,但我可能会为 go 编写一个循环来解决您提出的问题:

dflist = []

for num, height in enumerate(['0', '5', '15', '25', '50']):
    dflist.append(pd.read_csv('test{}.csv'.format(height), names=['A', 'B{}'.format(height), 'C', 'D'])[['B{}'.format(height), 'D']])

You would not have DataFrames named df0, df5, ..., but will rather have a list of DataFrames.您不会有名为 df0、df5、... 的 DataFrame,而是会有一个 DataFrame 列表。 Unless there is a reason to save the various column names, you can just name your columns directly in the call to pd.read_csv.除非有理由保存各种列名,否则您可以直接在对 pd.read_csv 的调用中命名您的列。 Additionally, selecting only the columns you want to keep at the end of the line is a little more streamlined than dropping the others in a separate command.此外,与将其他列放在单独的命令中相比,仅选择要保留在行尾的列要简化一些。 As a side note,作为旁注,

df['newname'] = value

is a way to make a new column in an existing DataFrame, not a way to define a DataFrame.是一种在现有 DataFrame 中创建新列的方法,而不是定义 DataFrame 的方法。

The reason you are getting a NameError is because the syntax您收到 NameError 的原因是因为语法

colNames[x] = value

assumes you are trying to assign the value to a pre-existing object named "colNames".假设您正在尝试将值分配给名为“colNames”的预先存在的 object。

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