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为什么我从 api 和 api 资源管理器收到 500 错误

[英]Why am I getting a 500 error from api and api explorer

I am trying to call listAccountSites in php via the Adsense Management Api and I am continually getting a 500 error.我正在尝试通过 Adsense 管理 Api 调用 php 中的 listAccountSites 并且我不断收到 500 错误。 I have tried setting the pageSize to different values and still get the error:我尝试将 pageSize 设置为不同的值,但仍然出现错误:

{ "error": { "code": 500, "message": "Internal error encountered.", "errors": [ { "message": "Internal error encountered.", "domain": "global", "reason": "backendError" } ], "status": "INTERNAL" } } {“错误”:{“代码”:500,“消息”:“遇到内部错误。”,“错误”:[{“消息”:“遇到内部错误。”,“域”:“全局”,“原因": "backendError" } ], "status": "内部" } }

I also try to run the request via the live API Explorer and get the 500 error as well.我还尝试通过实时 API 资源管理器运行请求,并得到 500 错误。 Can someone please look into the issue and let me know how I can resolve it.有人可以调查这个问题并让我知道如何解决它。 I have tried with and without the pageSize value and get the same result.我尝试过使用和不使用 pageSize 值并得到相同的结果。 I do randomly get a 200 result but it is very sporadic and infrequent, I would expect to get a 200 more often then a 500 which is not the case.我确实随机得到 200 的结果,但它非常零星且不常见,我希望得到 200 的频率比 500 多,但事实并非如此。 I have provided a screenshot of the api explorer giving the error with and without the pagesize set.我提供了 api 资源管理器的屏幕截图,在设置和不设置页面大小的情况下给出了错误。 api-explorer error api-explorer 错误

I'm from the Google team that works on the AdSense Management API.我来自负责 AdSense 管理 API 的 Google 团队。 On my end, I can see that it appears that the authentication step is timing out for you.就我而言,我可以看到您的身份验证步骤似乎超时了。 I need to reach out to the engineers that work on that piece of the system.我需要联系在该系统上工作的工程师。 I'll edit my answer here when I hear back from them.当我收到他们的回复时,我会在这里编辑我的答案。

Edit: The engineering team got back to me that they were aware of an error with authentication, and it was fixed this morning around 7am PST.编辑:工程团队回复我说他们知道身份验证错误,并在太平洋标准时间早上 7 点左右修复。 Let me know if you are still experiencing any unexpected behavior.如果您仍然遇到任何意外行为,请告诉我。

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