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python:列表理解中的海象运算符和 re.search()

[英]python: walrus operator and re.search() in list comprehension

I have a list of strings and I want to extract a pattern from elements.我有一个字符串列表,我想从元素中提取模式。

For instance, given list ["A 12345bcd", "BYT 676 CCC"] and pattern r'\d\d\d\d\d' , I would like to obtain: ["12345", ""]例如,给定列表["A 12345bcd", "BYT 676 CCC"]和模式r'\d\d\d\d\d' ,我想获得: ["12345", ""]

I know how to do without it, but I want to use walrus operator := .我知道没有它怎么办,但我想使用海象运算符:=

I tried:我试过了:

[(m:=re.search(r'\d\d\d\d\d', x), m.group() if m else "") for x in ["A 12345bcd", "BYT 676 CCC"]]

But the result is:但结果是:

[(<re.Match object; span=(2, 7), match='12345'>, '12345'), (None, '')]

Hence, not what I want因此,不是我想要的

This is a tuple:这是一个元组:

(m:=re.search(r'\d\d\d\d\d', x), m.group() if m else "")

This is the group /empty conditional expression with m:= evaluated appropriately early:这是带有m:=group /empty 条件表达式,并在早期得到了适当的评估:

m.group() if (m := re.search(r'\d\d\d\d\d', x)) else ""
import re

l = ["A 12345bcd", "BYT 676 CCC"]

result = [(res := re.search(r"\d{5}", x)) and res.group() or "" for x in l]


Output: Output:

['12345', '']

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