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[英]How to make animated progress bar continuous?

I have an animated progress bar associated with a countdown timer.我有一个与倒数计时器关联的动画进度条。

Currently, the animation of the progress bar is discrete .目前,进度条的 animation 是离散的。

How do I make it to be continuous without changing other logic in the code ?如何在不更改代码中其他逻辑的情况下使其保持连续

Also, is it possible to create the timer with requestAnimationFrame (like the way the animated progress bar is created) instead of the current setInterval ?此外,是否可以使用requestAnimationFrame (如创建动画进度条的方式)而不是当前的setInterval创建计时器?

 var timer = null; var progress_bar = null; var timePassed; var TIME_LIMIT; var timeLeft; function startTimerAndProgressbar() { timePassed = 0; TIME_LIMIT = 10; timeLeft = TIME_LIMIT; startTimer(); id("progress-bar").style.visibility = "visible"; progress_bar = requestAnimationFrame(updateProgressBar); } function pauseTimerAndProgressbar() { clearInterval(timer); pauseProgressBar(); id("pause-btn").disabled = true; id("resume-btn").disabled = false; } function resumeTimerAndProgressbar() { startTimer(); resumeProgressBar(); id("pause-btn").disabled = false; id("resume-btn").disabled = true; } /* HELPER FUNCTION */ function id(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } /* PROGRESS BAR */ function updateProgressBar() { var timeFraction = timeLeft / TIME_LIMIT; id("progress-bar-inner").style.width = timeFraction * 100 + "%"; progress_bar = requestAnimationFrame(updateProgressBar); if (id("progress-bar-inner").style.width <= 0) { pauseProgressBar(); } } function pauseProgressBar() { cancelAnimationFrame(progress_bar); } function resumeProgressBar() { progress_bar = requestAnimationFrame(updateProgressBar); } /* TIMER */ function startTimer() { id("timer").textContent = formatTime(timeLeft); timer = setInterval(function() { timePassed = timePassed += 1; timeLeft = TIME_LIMIT - timePassed; id("timer").textContent = formatTime(timeLeft); if (timeLeft == 0) { clearInterval(timer); } }, 1000); } function formatTime(time) { var m = Math.floor(time / 60); var s = time % 60; m = (m < 10)? ("0" + m): m; s = (s < 10)? ("0" + s): s; return `${m}:${s}`; }
 #timer { font-size: 25px; font-weight: bold; } #progress-bar { visibility: hidden; width: 100%; margin: 25px auto; border: solid 1px #000; border-radius: 10px; } #progress-bar-inner { height: 15px; border-radius: 10px; width: 100%; background-color: orange; }
 <p id="timer"></p> <div id="progress-bar"> <div id="progress-bar-inner"></div> </div> <br> <button onclick="startTimerAndProgressbar()" id="start-btn">Start</button> <button onclick="pauseTimerAndProgressbar()" id="pause-btn">Pause</button> <button onclick="resumeTimerAndProgressbar()" id="resume-btn" disabled>Resume</button>

Add transition: width 1s;添加transition: width 1s; to your #progress-bar-inner :到您的#progress-bar-inner

 var timer = null; var progress_bar = null; var timePassed; var TIME_LIMIT; var timeLeft; function startTimerAndProgressbar() { timePassed = 0; TIME_LIMIT = 10; timeLeft = TIME_LIMIT; startTimer(); id("progress-bar").style.visibility = "visible"; progress_bar = requestAnimationFrame(updateProgressBar); } function pauseTimerAndProgressbar() { clearInterval(timer); pauseProgressBar(); id("pause-btn").disabled = true; id("resume-btn").disabled = false; } function resumeTimerAndProgressbar() { startTimer(); resumeProgressBar(); id("pause-btn").disabled = false; id("resume-btn").disabled = true; } /* HELPER FUNCTION */ function id(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } /* PROGRESS BAR */ function updateProgressBar() { var timeFraction = timeLeft / TIME_LIMIT; id("progress-bar-inner").style.width = timeFraction * 100 + "%"; progress_bar = requestAnimationFrame(updateProgressBar); if (id("progress-bar-inner").style.width <= 0) { pauseProgressBar(); } } function pauseProgressBar() { cancelAnimationFrame(progress_bar); } function resumeProgressBar() { progress_bar = requestAnimationFrame(updateProgressBar); } /* TIMER */ function startTimer() { id("timer").textContent = formatTime(timeLeft); timer = setInterval(function() { timePassed = timePassed += 1; timeLeft = TIME_LIMIT - timePassed; id("timer").textContent = formatTime(timeLeft); if (timeLeft == 0) { clearInterval(timer); } }, 1000); } function formatTime(time) { var m = Math.floor(time / 60); var s = time % 60; m = (m < 10)? ("0" + m): m; s = (s < 10)? ("0" + s): s; return `${m}:${s}`; }
 #timer { font-size: 25px; font-weight: bold; } #progress-bar { visibility: hidden; width: 100%; margin: 25px auto; border: solid 1px #000; border-radius: 10px; } #progress-bar-inner { height: 15px; border-radius: 10px; width: 100%; background-color: orange; transition: width 1s; }
 <p id="timer"></p> <div id="progress-bar"> <div id="progress-bar-inner"></div> </div> <br> <button onclick="startTimerAndProgressbar()" id="start-btn">Start</button> <button onclick="pauseTimerAndProgressbar()" id="pause-btn">Pause</button> <button onclick="resumeTimerAndProgressbar()" id="resume-btn" disabled>Resume</button>

Your timer setInterval function operates in seconds.您的timer setInterval function 以秒为单位运行。 You need to change the interval, and therefore change the value of TIMELIMIT to match.您需要更改间隔,因此更改TIMELIMIT的值以匹配。

 var timer = null; var progress_bar = null; var timePassed; var TIME_LIMIT; var timeLeft; function startTimerAndProgressbar() { timePassed = 0; TIME_LIMIT = 10; timeLeft = TIME_LIMIT*100; startTimer(); id("progress-bar").style.visibility = "visible"; progress_bar = requestAnimationFrame(updateProgressBar); } function pauseTimerAndProgressbar() { clearInterval(timer); pauseProgressBar(); id("pause-btn").disabled = true; id("resume-btn").disabled = false; } function resumeTimerAndProgressbar() { startTimer(); resumeProgressBar(); id("pause-btn").disabled = false; id("resume-btn").disabled = true; } /* HELPER FUNCTION */ function id(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } /* PROGRESS BAR */ function updateProgressBar() { var timeFraction = timeLeft / (TIME_LIMIT*100); id("progress-bar-inner").style.width = timeFraction * 100 + "%"; progress_bar = requestAnimationFrame(updateProgressBar); if (id("progress-bar-inner").style.width <= 0) { pauseProgressBar(); } } function pauseProgressBar() { cancelAnimationFrame(progress_bar); } function resumeProgressBar() { progress_bar = requestAnimationFrame(updateProgressBar); } /* TIMER */ function startTimer() { id("timer").textContent = formatTime(timeLeft); timer = setInterval(function() { timePassed += 1; timeLeft = TIME_LIMIT*100 - timePassed; id("timer").textContent = formatTime(Math.ceil(timeLeft/100)); if (timeLeft == 0) { clearInterval(timer); } }, 10); } function formatTime(time) { var m = Math.floor(time / 60); var s = time % 60; m = (m < 10)? ("0" + m): m; s = (s < 10)? ("0" + s): s; return `${m}:${s}`; }
 #timer { font-size: 25px; font-weight: bold; } #progress-bar { visibility: hidden; width: 100%; margin: 25px auto; border: solid 1px #000; border-radius: 10px; } #progress-bar-inner { height: 15px; border-radius: 10px; width: 100%; background-color: orange; }
 <p id="timer"></p> <div id="progress-bar"> <div id="progress-bar-inner"></div> </div> <br> <button onclick="startTimerAndProgressbar()" id="start-btn">Start</button> <button onclick="pauseTimerAndProgressbar()" id="pause-btn">Pause</button> <button onclick="resumeTimerAndProgressbar()" id="resume-btn" disabled>Resume</button>

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