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[英]Jest unit test fails but it shouldnt

I have this method that returns Boolean.我有这个方法返回 Boolean。 It works as it should but in unit tests it fails.它可以正常工作,但在单元测试中它失败了。 The method looks like this:该方法如下所示:

 const isRushHour = (date: string): boolean => {
  let isRushHour: boolean = false;
  let isFriday: boolean = new Date(date).getDay() === 5;
  let selectedTime: string = new Date(date).toLocaleTimeString(
      hour: "2-digit",
      minute: "2-digit",

  let isRushHourRange: boolean =
    selectedTime >= "15:00" &&
    selectedTime <= "19:00" ;

  if (isFriday && isRushHourRange) {
    isRushHour = true;

  return isRushHour;

it Basically checks if date is friday and if it its between the time range.它基本上检查日期是否是星期五以及它是否在时间范围之间。 However everything is fine when checking with console f.ex;但是,使用控制台 f.ex 进行检查时一切正常;


This will return true and it should be like this !这将返回 true 并且应该是这样的!

But in jest i tried with .toBe(true), .toBeTruthy(), and to toEqual(true)但开玩笑的是,我尝试使用.toBe(true), .toBeTruthy(), and to toEqual(true)


Exactly the same string.完全相同的字符串。

But the test fails with message:但是测试失败并显示消息:

   expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality

    Expected: true
    Received: false

This fixed the issue:这解决了这个问题:

   beforeEach(() => {
  jest.spyOn(window.navigator, "language", "get");

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