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[英]Cloud Storage vs Google Database

I have created a google firebase project with an android application.我创建了一个带有 android 应用程序的谷歌 firebase 项目。 I have set the DB rules to read and write as true (Just testing)我已将数据库规则设置为真实的读写(只是测试)

My question is if I do "My Firebase URL/.json.. I can see the data stored in my realtime database but I cannot see or access the objects stored in my Firebase Storage.我的问题是如果我执行“我的 Firebase URL/.json.. 我可以看到存储在我的实时数据库中的数据,但我看不到或访问存储在我的 Z035489FF8D092741943E4A83241F5AF9 中的对象

My question is, are these both seperate entities?我的问题是,这两个是独立的实体吗? How do I access Google Storage?如何访问 Google 存储?


The Realtime Database and Cloud Storage are completely separate products, that both can be accessed through Firebase.实时数据库和云存储是完全独立的产品,两者都可以通过 Firebase 访问。 The fact that you can access the data in the database, and even how you access it, is pretty much unrelated to whether and how you can access the files in Cloud Storage,您可以访问数据库中的数据这一事实,甚至您如何访问它,与您是否以及如何访问 Cloud Storage 中的文件几乎无关,

To access the files in Storage, you can either use the Firebase console , access themthrough the Firebase SDK in a way that is allowed by your Storage security rules , or you can generate a download URL for each file and open that in any browser. To access the files in Storage, you can either use the Firebase console , access themthrough the Firebase SDK in a way that is allowed by your Storage security rules , or you can generate a download URL for each file and open that in any browser.

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