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如何擦除 matplotlib 图例中的特定标签

[英]How to erase specific labels inside a matplotlib Legend

I'm plotting a scatterplot with matplotlib and seaborn.我正在用 matplotlib 和 seaborn 绘制散点图。 Hhere is my output.这是我的 output。

seaborn 散点图

As you can see at the right on the legend there are many labels with the same color, I'm trying to erase all the grays but one.正如您在图例右侧看到的那样,有许多具有相同颜色的标签,我试图擦除除一个之外的所有灰色。 Here is my code:这是我的代码:

background = '#eeeeee'
high_c = '#5a83aa'
low_c = '#e09a67'
neutral_c = '#fff8c2'

palette = {'Western Europe':high_c,
           'North America and ANZ':'#cccccc',
           'Middle East and North Africa':'#cccccc',
           'Latin America and Caribbean':'#cccccc',
           'Central and Eastern Europe':'#cccccc',
           'East Asia':'#cccccc',
           'Southeast Asia':'#cccccc',
           'Commonwealth of Independent States':'#cccccc',
           'Sub-Saharan Africa':low_c,
           'South Asia':'#cccccc'

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(10, 5),dpi=120)
fig.patch.set_facecolor(background) # figure background color

# plots
sns.scatterplot(data=df21, x='Healthy life expectancy', y='Ladder score',
                hue=df21['Regional indicator'],
                palette=palette, alpha=0.95,ec='black',
                size=df21["Logged GDP per capita"]*1000, legend=True, sizes=(5, 500))

# Axes
ax.set_xlabel("Healthy Life Expectancy",fontfamily='sans serif',loc='left',color='gray')
ax.set_ylabel("Happiness Index Score",fontfamily='sans serif',loc='top',color='gray')
ax.tick_params(axis = 'both', which = 'major', labelsize = 10)

for s in ["top","right","left"]:

# Annotations    
ax.text(45,9.2,'Happiness Score, Life Expectancy, and GDP per Capita',
        fontfamily='sans serif',fontweight='normal',fontsize=17,weight='bold',color='#323232')

# Legend
L = ax.legend(frameon=False,loc="upper center", bbox_to_anchor=(1.25, 0.8), ncol= 1)
plt.setp(L.texts, family='sans serif')

ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both',left=False, bottom=False,labelbottom=True) 


I figure how to change the text on a label with: L.get_texts()[2].set_text('Others'), but can't find how to delete it, I would like a Legend with just 'Western Europe', 'Sub-Saharan Africa' and 'Other'.我想如何更改 label 上的文本:L.get_texts()[2].set_text('Others'),但找不到如何删除它,我想要一个只有“西欧”的图例, “撒哈拉以南非洲”和“其他”。

I think that maybe with the 'handler_map', but I can't figure out how it works.我认为这可能与“handler_map”有关,但我不知道它是如何工作的。

The legend automatically ignores all labels that start with '_' .图例会自动忽略所有以'_'开头的标签。 An idea is to rename all grey regions to start with a '_' .一个想法是将所有灰色区域重命名为以'_'开头。

Your code is missing reproducible data, but the changes could look like:您的代码缺少可重现的数据,但更改可能如下所示:

df21['Regional indicator']
new_name = {month: '_' + month if color == '#cccccc' else month for month, color in palette.items()}
new_name['North America and ANZ'] = 'other'
df21['Regional indicator'] = df21['Regional indicator'].map(new_names)
new_palette = {new_name[month]: color for month, color in palette.items()}

sns.scatterplot(data=df21, x='Healthy life expectancy', y='Ladder score',
                hue='Regional indicator',
                palette=new_palette, alpha=0.95, ec='black',
                size=df21["Logged GDP per capita"] * 1000, legend=True, sizes=(5, 500))

Here is a self-contained example using seaborn's flights dataset.这是一个使用 seaborn 的航班数据集的独立示例。

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd

flights = sns.load_dataset('flights')
palette = {'Jan': 'crimson', 'Feb': 'limegreen', 'Mar': 'blue', 'Apr': 'gold', 'May': 'purple', 'Jun': '#cccccc',
           'Jul': '#cccccc', 'Aug': '#cccccc', 'Sep': '#cccccc', 'Oct': '#cccccc', 'Nov': '#cccccc', 'Dec': '#cccccc'}
new_name = {month: '_' + month if color == '#cccccc' else month for month, color in palette.items()}
new_name['Jun'] = 'other'
flights['month'] = flights['month'].map(new_names)
new_palette = {new_name[month]: color for month, color in palette.items()}
sns.scatterplot(data=flights, x='year', y='passengers', hue='month', palette=new_palette)


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