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如何在 WinUI3 中制作水平 ScrollView?

[英]How to make a horizontal ScrollView in WinUI3?

I'm experienced with c#, however, I'm new to developing Windows programs and XAML, I've been trying to make a horizontal ScrollView but couldn't find a solution on the internet whatsoever.我对 c# 有经验,但是,我是开发 Windows 程序和 XAML 的新手,我一直在尝试制作水平 ScrollView,但在互联网上找不到任何解决方案。 If anyone has any idea on how to make it work I'd be thankful.如果有人对如何使其工作有任何想法,我将不胜感激。 I'm working on a WinUi 3 project btw.顺便说一句,我正在开发一个 WinUi 3 项目。

You could create a ScrollViewer like this:你可以像这样创建一个 ScrollViewer:

<ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollMode="Enabled" VerticalScrollMode="Disabled" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible">
    <!--Put the content you want to scroll here-->

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