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如何在不使用 sleep() 的情况下让 function 在循环内休眠?

[英]How can I sleep a function inside of a loop without using sleep()?

I'm trying to add a randomly generated number to a calculation but I don't want the randomly generated number to be randomly generated every 1ms (because that's how my try functions needs to run) and I can't use sleep() because it would sleep the entire process (my whole program).我正在尝试将随机生成的数字添加到计算中,但我不希望随机生成的数字每 1ms 随机生成一次(因为这就是我的 try 函数需要运行的方式)并且我不能使用 sleep() 因为它会休眠整个过程(我的整个程序)。

I've tried to sleep the randomnumbergenerator function every 1 second but the try do makes it run every 1ms, how can I sleep a function inside of a loop without using sleep()?我试图让随机数发生器 function 每 1 秒休眠一次,但尝试让它每 1ms 运行一次,我如何在不使用 sleep() 的情况下在循环内休眠 function?

Current code:当前代码:

int randomnumber = 0;

void randomnumbergenerator()
    for (;;)
        int min = -1000;
        int max = +2000;
        int randomNum = rand() % max + (min);
        randomnumber = randomNum;

try //this must run every 1 ms;
        if (something)
            const int somenumber2 = something;
            const int somenumber = something;
            somenumber += somenumber2 * randomnumber ;

This is what worked for me:这对我有用:

uintptr_t milliseconds_now() {
    static LARGE_INTEGER s_frequency;
    static BOOL s_use_qpc = QueryPerformanceFrequency(&s_frequency);
    if (s_use_qpc) {
        LARGE_INTEGER now;
        return (1000LL * now.QuadPart) / s_frequency.QuadPart;
    else {
        return GetTickCount64();

int randomrumber = 0;

void fn()
    for (;;)
        int min = -1000;
        int max = +2000;
        int randomNum = rand() % max + (min);
        randomrumber = randomNum;

try //this must run every 1 ms;
        if (something)
            static std::uintptr_t desiredTime = 0;
            if (milliseconds_now() >= desiredTime)
                desiredTime = milliseconds_now() + 5000;

            const int somenumber2 = something;
            const int somenumber = something;
            somenumber += somenumber2 * randomnumber ;

This solution isn't perfect tho.这个解决方案并不完美。 It makes my program lose some abilities.它使我的程序失去了一些能力。 Probably because it's not multithreaded.可能是因为它不是多线程的。

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