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如何从 Visual Studio 2022 中的命名空间中删除花括号

[英]how to remove curly braces from a namespace in visual studio 2022

I would like to know how I can remove the braces from a namespace and have it be closed with a semicolon (;).我想知道如何从命名空间中删除大括号并用分号 (;) 将其关闭。


namespace ProductsGroup{
  public void save{

I need:我需要:

namespace ProductsGroup;
  public void save{

Thanks you!谢谢!

Unless you are compiling against C# 10 with file-scoped namespaces , you can't do this.除非您使用文件范围的命名空间针对 C# 10 进行编译,否则您不能这样做。 (Bold added) (加粗)

A namespace_declaration consists of the keyword namespace , followed by a namespace name and body , optionally followed by a semicolon namespace_declaration包含关键字namespace ,后跟命名空间名称和正文,可选地后跟分号

A body requires curly braces.身体需要花括号。

https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/language-specification/namespaces https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/language-specification/namespaces

Visual-Studio 2022 already offers this refactoring (and the reverse). Visual-Studio 2022 已经提供了这种重构(反之亦然)。

Additionally you can set a preference in Visual Studio's C# Code Style settings, and in .editorconfig .此外,您可以在 Visual Studio 的 C# 代码样式设置和.editorconfig中设置首选项。

More details: https://www.ilkayilknur.com/how-to-convert-block-scoped-namespacees-to-file-scoped-namespaces更多详细信息: https://www.ilkayilknur.com/how-to-convert-block-scoped-namespacees-to-file-scoped-namespaces

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