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如何(单元)测试方法向 MS Teams 频道发送 http 请求?

[英]How to (unit) test method sending http request to MS Teams channel?

I've written a monitoring service class performing a database check for entries of a certain (considered erroneous) state.我编写了一个监控服务 class 执行数据库检查某个(被认为是错误的)state 的条目。 Based on the result of the database query, the service will send a notification to a Microsoft Teams channel using its Connector/Webhook functionality.根据数据库查询的结果,该服务将使用其连接器/Webhook 功能向 Microsoft Teams 频道发送通知。 It works all fine so far, but I can't wrap my head around how to properly test the respective methods.到目前为止一切正常,但我不知道如何正确测试各自的方法。 It's mainly the method sending the notification to Teams I'm struggling with:这主要是向我正在努力解决的团队发送通知的方法:

public HttpStatus sendNotificationToTeams(MsTeamsCard card) throws JsonProcessingException {
        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        ObjectWriter writer = new ObjectMapper().writer();
        Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(WebConfig.PROXY_HOST, WebConfig.PROXY_PORT));
        SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory = new SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory();

        // Setup RestTemplate. Proxy is required, otherwise request returns HTTP 500 with misleading error message (array index out of bounds)
        RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(requestFactory);

        // HTTP request incl. setup
        HttpEntity<String> request = new HttpEntity<>(writer.writeValueAsString(card), headers);
        ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.exchange(this.webhookUrl, HttpMethod.POST, request, String.class);
        return response.getStatusCode();

I think I should definitely test this method since it's not trivial at all.我认为我绝对应该测试这种方法,因为它根本不是微不足道的。 However, there's not much that I think could reasonalby fail inside this method that is related to its particular arrangement of code - of course there may be problems, but things like network issues are out of scope of (unit) tests for this method.但是,我认为在这种方法内部并没有太多可能会失败的原因,这与其特定的代码安排有关——当然可能存在问题,但是网络问题之类的事情不在此方法的(单元)测试的 scope。 So how would I test this method reliably?那么我将如何可靠地测试这种方法呢? I'm asking more from a general testing point of view (which is where I really lack knowledge) than requesting concrete help with a test framework or something (JUnit 4 is used btw).我从一般测试的角度(这是我真正缺乏知识的地方)要求更多,而不是请求测试框架或其他东西的具体帮助(顺便说一句,使用 JUnit 4)。 For example, one point is that I can't check the results of the HTTP call even if I mock it, because it requires a specific answer from Teams: the request might be successful but something could be wrong with Teams, and I can't really mock that.例如,有一点是,即使我模拟它,我也无法检查 HTTP 调用的结果,因为它需要 Teams 的特定回答:请求可能成功,但 Teams 可能有问题,我可以t真的嘲笑那个。 But maybe I'm just thinking too complicated here.但也许我在这里想得太复杂了。

If you are looking for unit-testing your http-connector, you can do it with Wiremock.如果您正在寻找对您的 http 连接器进行单元测试,您可以使用 Wiremock 来完成。 Check out this tutorial看看这个教程

For instance例如

public void shouldSendNotification() {
  String path = "/endpoint";
  HttpStatus status = sendNotificationToTeams(...);

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