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在 Azure Web 应用部署之后运行 PHP 脚本

[英]Run PHP script after Azure Web app deployment

I am having an Azure app Service and I want to upload/deploy an.php file to it an run it right after the upload.我有一个 Azure 应用服务,我想上传/部署一个 .php 文件到它并在上传后立即运行它。

I managed to upload it via curl and also start a post deployment script.我设法通过 curl 上传它,并启动了一个部署后脚本。 Unfortunately I can not use the command "php..." in it because I get an error like: "/opt/Kudu/Scripts/starter.sh: line 2: exec: php: not found\n" in the logs.不幸的是,我无法在其中使用命令“php ...”,因为我在日志中收到如下错误:“/opt/Kudu/Scripts/starter.sh: line 2: exec: php: not found\n”。 The same occurs if I use the "/api/command" endpoint with the same command.如果我将“/api/command”端点与相同的命令一起使用,也会发生同样的情况。 I get the same kind of error in the response.我在响应中得到了同样的错误。

It seems like the php executable is not known in that environment.在该环境中似乎不知道 php 可执行文件。 Is there any way to run a php script via the command API or in a post deployment script?有没有办法通过命令 API 或在部署后脚本中运行 php 脚本?

EDIT for further clarification: I need curl because I want to run it automatically with a deployer which generates a php file which then does our specific deployment tasks (generating folders, symlinks and so on).编辑以进一步澄清:我需要 curl 因为我想使用生成 php 文件的部署程序自动运行它,然后执行我们的特定部署任务(生成文件夹、符号链接等)。 So after I deploy that php file on the App service I need to start it.因此,在我在 App 服务上部署 php 文件后,我需要启动它。 So far curl was the only opportunity I found which doesn't need a user interaction if done correctly.到目前为止,curl 是我发现的唯一一个如果操作正确则不需要用户交互的机会。 With right after the upload I mean after using one of the 2 SCM/Kudu apis which are "/api/zip/" or "api/zipdeploy/"在上传之后,我的意思是在使用“/api/zip/”或“api/zipdeploy/”这两个 SCM/Kudu api 之一之后

Thanks in advance提前致谢

  • You can use WebJob for running the scripts in Azure App Service Instance without any user interactions or which acts as background tasks.您可以使用 WebJob 在 Azure 应用服务实例中运行脚本,无需任何用户交互或充当后台任务。

  • Azure WebJobs SDK is to simplify many programming tasks. Azure WebJobs SDK是为了简化许多编程任务。

  • The file types (scripts or programs) supported by Azure WebJobs SDK are: .cmd, .bat, .exe, .ps1, .sh .php , .py, .js, .jar The file types (scripts or programs) supported by Azure WebJobs SDK are: .cmd, .bat, .exe, .ps1, .sh .php , .py, .js, .jar

  • Just tweak your php script to have a loop and add a sleep of a few minutes between runs of your code.只需调整您的 php 脚本以进行循环并在代码运行之间添加几分钟的睡眠。

  • The continuous WebJob will run on all of your instances and even if something fails it will be brought back up.连续的 WebJob 将在您的所有实例上运行,即使出现故障,它也会重新启动。

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