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如何在 Windows 上安装最新版本的 Node JS 7

[英]How to latest version of Node JS on Windows 7

My workflow requires nodejs v16 but because of the platform checks the new version isn't available on Windows 7. The reason I have been using Windows 7 still is because I have a really poorly performing Computer with only 4GB ram.我的工作流程需要 nodejs v16,但由于平台检查,新版本在 Windows 7 上不可用。我一直在使用 Windows 7 的原因仍然是因为我的计算机性能非常差,只有 4GB 内存。 Trying some things on the inte.net have enabled me to install v15 but still some tasks require the new version.在 inte.net 上尝试一些东西使我能够安装 v15,但仍有一些任务需要新版本。 Any help would be highly appreciated.任何帮助将不胜感激。

If you create an environment variable called: NODE_SKIP_PLATFORM_CHECK and set it to 1, node 16.6.2 will run on Windows 7. I have not tried any later versions than that, and 16.13 has been reported by others as not working.如果您创建一个名为 NODE_SKIP_PLATFORM_CHECK 的环境变量并将其设置为 1,则节点 16.6.2 将在 Windows 7 上运行。我没有尝试过任何更新的版本,并且 16.13 已被其他人报告为不工作。 (Later versions of node use a version of libuv that doesn't support Windows 7, and so will not run even with the environment variable set.) (更高版本的 node 使用不支持 Windows 7 的 libuv 版本,因此即使设置了环境变量也不会运行。)

There is no solution I could find to this so I just had to upgrade my PC so that I could install Windows 10 on it and work therefore.我找不到解决方案,所以我只需要升级我的电脑,这样我就可以在上面安装 Windows 10 并因此工作。 Currently working on a project of mine that you can check out: Rapid Typer: A typing website目前正在从事我的一个项目,您可以查看: Rapid Typer:一个打字网站

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