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LMS 报告中的动态图像

[英]Dynamic images in LMS reports

I work on LMS reports in Plateau Report Designer, and for a recent report I have to include one of three embedded images dynamically - in accordance to a value that I get in a certain column.我在 Plateau Report Designer 中处理 LMS 报告,对于最近的一份报告,我必须根据我在某个列中获得的值动态地包含三个嵌入图像中的一个。 Is this doable at all?这完全可行吗? I can influence images in the master page, but that is done once per run, not per record.我可以影响母版页中的图像,但每次运行都会执行一次,而不是每次记录。 These images need to be embedded with the data.这些图像需要与数据一起嵌入。

One possible way would be to include them all in a cell and then to delete those that I don't need, but I don't know how to do that.一种可能的方法是将它们全部包含在一个单元格中,然后删除那些我不需要的,但我不知道该怎么做。 Another theoretic way would be to create a computer column, but I don't now how to include an image.另一种理论方法是创建一个计算机列,但我现在不知道如何包含图像。

I tried to find something on the net, but there is virtually no documentation on this topic.我试图在网上找到一些东西,但几乎没有关于这个主题的文档。 Help!帮助!

You can determine the image file name in your data set or in the binding of the surrounnding list/table item, then you can use the "image from shared resource" like this:您可以在数据集中或周边列表/表格项的绑定中确定图像文件名,然后您可以像这样使用“来自共享资源的图像”:


In this example, the column LOGO_DATEI contains the image file name.在此示例中,LOGO_DATEI 列包含图像文件名。 The file path is relative to the folder specified in Window / Preferences / Report Design / Resource / Resource folder.文件路径相对于 Window / Preferences / Report Design / Resource / Resource 文件夹中指定的文件夹。

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