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WAMP 上的 mailparse 扩展未加载

[英]mailparse extension on WAMP not loading

I am trying to run a PHP application on WAMP.我正在尝试在 WAMP 上运行 PHP 应用程序。 The application uses mailparse.该应用程序使用 mailparse。 I have copied the php_mailparse.dll file into the PHP ext folder and added extension=php_mailparse.dll to php.ini I have copied the php_mailparse.dll file into the PHP ext folder and added extension=php_mailparse.dll to php.ini

I am using PHP version 7.4.26, and have placed.dll in the ext folder for this version, and edited the.ini for this version.我正在使用 PHP 版本 7.4.26,并将.dll 放在此版本的 ext 文件夹中,并为此版本编辑了.ini。 Have restarted WAMP and restarted PC.已重新启动 WAMP 并重新启动 PC。 I used mailparse 3.1.2 downloaded from PECL but still mailparse is not recognised.我使用了从PECL下载的 mailparse 3.1.2,但仍然无法识别 mailparse。 Running windows 10 64 bit.运行 windows 10 64 位。 Any idea what could be the cause of this issue?知道这个问题的原因是什么吗?


As per [this SO article] this error is caused because I was editing the wrong.ini WAMP uses two.ini's one for CLI and one for the web 1根据 [this SO article] 这个错误是因为我编辑了 wrong.ini WAMP 使用两个.ini 的一个用于 CLI,一个用于 web 1

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