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验证发生后 simple_fields_for 被删除

[英]simple_fields_for was remove once the validation occur

I need some help.我需要一些帮助。

"= form.association:lead" : the user can select a lead through select2 via ajax. "= form.association:lead" :用户可以通过 ajax 通过 select2 引导 select。

.lead-form-inputs : the user can create a lead and automatically set the lead_id of the property once it was submitted. .lead-form-inputs :用户可以创建潜在客户并在提交后自动设置属性的lead_id。

I do have a select2 gem installed and runs the "= form.association:lead" as a select2.我确实安装了 select2 gem 并将"= form.association:lead"作为 select2 运行。 As you can see there was a:new_lead input as a boolean(a Checkbox).如您所见,有一个:new_lead 输入作为布尔值(一个复选框)。 Once the checkbox is checked the "= form.association:lead" will disappear and the .lead-form-inputs class will appear.选中复选框后, "= form.association:lead"将消失, .lead-form-inputs class 将出现。


  1. Once i submitted the form(on purpose) just to trigger the validation.一旦我提交表单(故意)只是为了触发验证。 The = form.simple_fields_for:lead do | lead_builder | = form.simple_fields_for:lead do | lead_builder | = form.simple_fields_for:lead do | lead_builder | entire inputs is removed.整个输入被删除。

I need that form.simple_fields_for to stay because if the user want to create another lead yet the validations has been triggered the form.simple_fields_for is not present.我需要form.simple_fields_for保留,因为如果用户想要创建另一个潜在客户但验证已被触发,则form.simple_fields_for不存在。 Yet still the user can go to the property/new just to refresh the entire page.然而,用户仍然可以 go 到属性/新只是为了刷新整个页面。

  1. If i select a lead using the "= form.association:lead" and submitted the form(on purpose) just to trigger the validation.如果我 select 使用"= form.association:lead"并提交表单(故意)只是为了触发验证。 The form.simple_fields_for stays but "= form.association:lead" is empty. form.simple_fields_for保留,但"= form.association:lead"为空。 I said earlier that "i select a lead".我之前说过“我是 select 一个潜在客户”。 Once i checked the checkbox.一旦我检查了复选框。 The form.simple_fields_for inputs was filled in. The information filled in to the inputs is that the lead i selected earlier after i submitted the form.填写了form.simple_fields_for输入。输入的信息是我在提交表单后之前选择的潜在客户。

What i want is that the select2 will still display the lead what i selected.我想要的是 select2 仍将显示我选择的线索。


= simple_form_for([:admin, @property], wrapper: :vertical_form, html: { autocomplete: "off", class: "primary-form" }) do |form|
  = form.input :listing_title
  = form.association :lead, collection: [], input_html: { multiple: false }, label: false

  = form.simple_fields_for :lead do | lead_builder |
    = lead_builder.input :new_lead, as: :boolean
     = lead_builder.input :status, collection: [['New Lead', 'New Lead'], ['SLC', 'SLC'], ['BLC', 'BLC'], ['Seller Lead', 'Seller Lead'], ['Buyer Lead', 'Buyer Lead'], ['Client', 'Client'], ['Shelf', 'Shelf'], ['Drop', 'Drop']], prompt: "Select Status"
     = lead_builder.input :last_name
     = lead_builder.input :first_name
     = lead_builder.input :middle_initial
     = lead_builder.input :contact_number
     = lead_builder.input :email_address
     = lead_builder.input :company_name
     = lead_builder.input :date_inquired do
     = lead_builder.text_field :date_inquired, class: "datepickerJs", value: @property.lead.date_inquired.blank? ? '' : @property.lead.date_inquired.strftime("%b-%d-%Y")
     = lead_builder.input :source, collection: [['Website', 'Website'], ['Facebook', 'Facebook'], ['Facebook Ads', 'Facebook Ads'], ['DotProperty', 'DotProperty'], ['Referral', 'Referral'], ['Network', 'Network'], ['Old Leads', 'Old Leads']], prompt: "Select Source"
  = form.submit "Save", class: "button action-button__save-button primary-form__submit-btn"

  $( "#property_lead_id" ).select2({
    closeOnSelect: true,
    allowClear: true,
    placeholder: "Select lead",
    minimumInputLength: 1,
    ajax: {
      url: '/admin/leads.json',
      data: function (params) {
        var query = {
          search: params.term,
        return query;
      processResults: function (data) {
        return {
          results: $.map(data.leads, function(obj, key) {
            responsejson = {
                id: obj.id,
                text: `${obj.first_name} ${obj.middle_initial} ${obj.last_name}`,
            return responsejson;



def new
 @property = Property.new
 @lead = @property.build_lead

def create
 @property = Property.new(property_params)
 respond_to do |format|
  if @property.save
   format.html { redirect_to edit_admin_property_path(@property), notice: 'Property was successfully created.' }
   format.html { render :new }

def property_params
  params.require(:property).permit(:listing_title, :lead_id, lead_attributes: [:id, :status, :last_name, :first_name, :middle_initial, :contact_number, :email_address, :company_name, :date_inquired, :source, :new_lead])


class Property < ApplicationRecord
 belongs_to :lead
 accepts_nested_attributes_for :lead, reject_if: :reject_lead

 def reject_lead(attributes)
    attributes["new_lead"] != '1'

class Lead < ApplicationRecord
 attr_accessor :new_lead

 has_many :properties
 validates :status,
            presence: true


  1. I define a new method in the property model and use a callback after_validation.我在属性 model 中定义了一个新方法,并使用回调 after_validation。
 after_validation :leader_builder

 def leader_builder
   self.build_lead unless lead
  1. I added a value to the collection attribute on my select2.我在我的 select2 上为集合属性添加了一个值。
= form.association :lead, collection: Lead.order("id ASC").map{|r| [r.full_name, r.id]}, input_html: { multiple: false }, label: false

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