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使用 next.js 构建的实时网站上的客户端获取错误

[英]client fetch error on live website built using next.js

Hi I have tried all things possible to find out what could be causing above error on my live website built using NEXTJS.嗨,我已经尝试了所有可能的方法来找出在使用 NEXTJS 构建的实时网站上可能导致上述错误的原因。

I have noticed that this error happens whenever I reload the website.我注意到每当我重新加载网站时都会发生此错误。

I also notice that whenever I try to login using userName and password, I am able to do that without any errors in local host and also using https://codesandbox.io .我还注意到,每当我尝试使用用户名和密码登录时,我都可以在本地主机中没有任何错误,并且还可以使用https://codesandbox.io But on the live site I get a server error "problem with the server configuration.".但是在实时站点上,我收到服务器错误“服务器配置问题。”。

when I scroll further on my developer tools I find the following additional information.当我在开发人员工具上进一步滚动时,我会发现以下附加信息。

Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0 {error: {…}, path: "session", message: "Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0" Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0 {error: {…}, path: "session", message: "Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0"

I have added the following environment variables in vercel我在vercel中添加了以下环境变量

NEXTAUTH_URL = https://****.vercel.app/
MONGODB_URI = mongodb+srv://****@cluster0.9kc5p.mongodb.net/*****?retryWrites=true&w=majority

my [...nextauth].js file is as below我的 [...nextauth].js 文件如下

import NextAuth from "next-auth";
import CredentialsProviders from "next-auth/providers/credentials";
import { verifyPassword } from "../../../lib/hashedPassword";

import clientPromise from "../../../lib/mongodb";

export default NextAuth({
  session: {
    strategy: "jwt"
  } /* check other providers you may add database etc */,
  providers: [
      /* authorize will be called when it receives incoming login req */
      async authorize(credentials) {
        const client = await clientPromise;
        const db = client.db();
        /* check if we have user or email */
        const usersCollection = await db.collection("users");

        const user = await usersCollection.findOne({
          $or: [
            { email: credentials.email },
            { userName: credentials.userName }

        if (!user) {
          throw new Error("No user found");
        const isvalid = await verifyPassword(

        if (!isvalid) {
          throw new Error("password is invalid");

        return {
          email: user.email

my login page is as below我的登录页面如下

import Button from "../../UI/Button/Button";
import Input from "../../UI/Input/Input";
import Card from "../../UI/card/Card";
import classes from "./Login.module.css";
import Link from "next/link";
import { useForm } from "react-hook-form";
import { signIn, getSession } from "next-auth/react";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";

const Login = () => {
  const route = useRouter();
  const {
    formState: { errors }
  } = useForm();

  const submittedFormHandler = async (userInputs) => {
    const result = await signIn("credentials", {
      redirect: false,
      email: userInputs.userNameEmail,
      userName: userInputs.userNameEmail,
      password: userInputs.password
    }); /* result will always resolve */
    if (!result.error) {

  return (

      <Card className={classes.login}>
        <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(submittedFormHandler)}>
            label="UserName or Email"
              type: "text",
              ...register("userNameEmail", { required: true})
          <span className={classes.spanning}>
            {errors.userName &&
              "Enter userName or Email at least four characters"}

            label="Enter Password"
              type: "password",
              ...register("password", { required: true, minLength: 8 })
          <span className={classes.spanning}>
            {errors.password && "password should be at least 8 characters"}
          <div className={classes.password}>
            <Button type="submit">Submit</Button>
            <Link href="/ForgotPassword">Forgot Password ?</Link>
          <Link href="/NewUser" className={classes.link}>
            Create Account New User

export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
  const session = await getSession({
    req: context.req
  }); //returns session obj or null
  if (session) {
    return {
      redirect: {
        destination: "/",
        permanent: false
  return {
    props: { session }

export default Login;

what could be the problem?可能是什么问题呢? please assist请协助

I faced the same problem, but i was using mysql as database and i didn't use the auth file middleware that suggest next-auth to handle the providers, instead i created a separated file to handle sequelize (in your case will be the orm with the database you're using).我遇到了同样的问题,但是我使用mysql作为数据库,并且我没有使用建议 next- auth的身份验证文件中间件来处理提供程序,而是创建了一个单独的文件来处理续集(在您的情况下将是 orm与您正在使用的数据库)。

I fixed it adding dialectModule to the propertys of the class Sequelize我修复了它,将dialectModule添加到 class Sequelize的属性中

const db = new Sequelize(`${process.env.DB_URI}`, {
  database: process.env.DB_NAME,
  logging: false,
  dialect: "mssql",
  dialectModule: require("mysql2"),

I also have this problem.我也有这个问题。 They said on the doc that make sure you define NEXTAUTH_URL variable correctly.他们在文档上说确保您正确定义NEXTAUTH_URL变量。 If you use Vercel to host, then the content of the variable should be only the url without quote.如果使用 Vercel 托管,那么变量的内容应该只有 url 没有引号。 For example, https:project.vercel.app .例如, https:project.vercel.app

If not solved, try changing the [...nextauth].ts file to a more simple version.如果没有解决,请尝试将[...nextauth].ts文件更改为更简单的版本。 I got this error when I tried doing things with database in the callback (mongodb in my case) like this当我尝试在回调中使用数据库(在我的情况下为 mongodb)时,我得到了这个错误

 async jwt({ token }) {
    let role:Role = 'user'
    if (!token.email) throw Error('no email provided with token')
    let user = await getUser(token.email)
    if (user?.isAdmin) role = 'admin'
    return {...token, role}

After removing this, my problem is solved.删除后,我的问题就解决了。 In your case, you could try removing anything that deals with the database.在您的情况下,您可以尝试删除与数据库打交道的任何内容。

After I got that working, I added this callback function instead在我开始工作后,我添加了这个回调 function

 async jwt({ token }) {
    let role:Role = 'user'
    if (!token.email) throw Error('no email provided with token')
    const client = await clientPromise
    const collection = client.db().collection('users')
    const user = await collection.findOne({email:token.email})
    if (user?.isAdmin) role = 'admin'
    return {...token, role}

The only difference is that the first one use mongoose, and the second one doesn't.唯一的区别是第一个使用 mongoose,第二个没有。 The approach of the second one is taken from https://github.com/vercel/next.js/tree/canary/examples/with-mongodb第二种方法取自https://github.com/vercel/next.js/tree/canary/examples/with-mongodb

Disclaimer: I don't know why it worked.免责声明:我不知道它为什么起作用。

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