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使用 Mapbox iOS SDK 构建条件表达式

[英]Building a conditional expression using the Mapbox iOS SDK

I'm updating an existing iOS app that uses the Mapbox v6 SDK.我正在更新使用 Mapbox v6 SDK 的现有 iOS 应用程序。 The app defines a shape source using an array of point features and specifies that the points should be clustered based on a particular radius.该应用程序使用点要素数组定义形状源,并指定应根据特定半径对点进行聚类。 Here's the code to do this:这是执行此操作的代码:

let source = MGLShapeSource(identifier: sourceIdentifier, features: features, options: [.clustered: true, .clusterRadius: 50.0, .maximumZoomLevelForClustering: 14.0])

I also have a circle style layer defined to show the clusters on the map:我还定义了一个圆形样式层来显示 map 上的集群:

let circularClusterLayer = MGLCircleStyleLayer(identifier: "clusteredMarkers", source: source)
circularClusterLayer.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "cluster == YES")

This is working as expected but now I need to define the circle color based on an attribute of all the features located in the cluster.这按预期工作,但现在我需要根据位于集群中的所有特征的属性来定义圆圈颜色。 Specifically, each of my features has a boolean property in its attributes dictionary called .needsHelp .具体来说,我的每个功能在其名为.needsHelp的属性字典中都有一个 boolean 属性。 I'm trying to define the circle color for the cluster marker based on this logic:我正在尝试根据此逻辑定义群集标记的圆圈颜色:

if any of the features in the cluster have .needsHelp == true {
    // set the circle color = UIColor.red
    circularClusterLayer.circleColor = NSExpression(forConstantValue: UIColor.red)
} else {
    // set the circle color = UIColor.gray
    circularClusterLayer.circleColor = NSExpression(forConstantValue: UIColor.gray)

I'm pretty sure that I should be able to build an expression that returns true if any of the features in the cluster have .needsHelp == true or otherwise, returns false.我很确定我应该能够构建一个表达式,如果集群中的任何功能具有.needsHelp == true则返回 true,否则返回 false。 And I believe this expression would be assigned to the.clusterProperties option for the source like this:而且我相信这个表达式将被分配给源的 .clusterProperties 选项,如下所示:

let expression1 = NSExpression(mglJSONObject: ["any",  ["==", ["boolean", ["get", "isInEmergency"]], true]])
let expression2 = NSExpression(forConstantValue: UIColor.red)
let clusterPropertyDictionary: NSDictionary = ["clusterContainsFeatureThatNeedsHelp" : [expression1, expression2]]        
let selectedContactsSource = MGLShapeSource(identifier: sourceIdentifier, features: features, options: [.clustered: true, .clusterRadius: 50.0, .maximumZoomLevelForClustering: 14.0, .clusterProperties: clusterPropertyDictionary])

I've been looking at the Mapbox expressions guide and I think I should be using the "any" decision expression to get a boolean value back indicating whether any of the features have .needsHelp == true or not.我一直在查看Mapbox 表达式指南,我认为我应该使用“任何”决策表达式来获取 boolean 值,指示是否有任何功能具有.needsHelp == true But so far I've been unable to translate the LISP-like expression syntax into an NSExpression that works.但到目前为止,我一直无法将类似 LISP 的表达式语法翻译成有效的 NSExpression。

I'm assuming that in addition to the expression above, I will also need another expression to check the value of "clusterContainsFeatureThatNeedsHelp" and then set the circle color accordingly.我假设除了上面的表达式之外,我还需要另一个表达式来检查“clusterContainsFeatureThatNeedsHelp”的值,然后相应地设置圆圈颜色。 My best guess is that that would look something like this:我最好的猜测是它看起来像这样:

// TODO: check value of clusterContainsFeatureThatNeedsHelp to determine circle color

circularClusterLayer.circleColor = NSExpression(forConditional: NSPredicate(format: "%K == %@", "clusterContainsFeatureThatNeedsHelp", NSNumber(value: true)), trueExpression: NSExpression(forConstantValue: UIColor.red), falseExpression: NSExpression(forConstantValue: UIColor.gray))

Unfortunately, I'm not having any luck building either of these NSExpressions successfully.不幸的是,我没有成功构建这些 NSExpressions 中的任何一个。 Has anyone done something like this before?有没有人做过这样的事情? If so, I'd appreciate any tips or suggestions!如果是这样,我将不胜感激任何提示或建议!

I finally got this working.我终于得到了这个工作。 I'm now creating the clusterPropertyDictionary like this:我现在正在创建这样的 clusterPropertyDictionary:

let firstExpression = NSExpression(format: "max:({$featureAccumulated, clusterContainsFeatureThatNeedsHelp})")
let secondExpression = NSExpression(format: "CAST(needsHelp, 'NSNumber')")
let clusterPropertiesDictionary = ["clusterContainsFeatureThatNeedsHelp" : [firstExpression, secondExpression]]

And the expression that actually sets the circle color looks like this:实际设置圆圈颜色的表达式如下所示:

let expressionForClusterCircleColor = NSExpression(
    forConditional: NSPredicate(format: "clusterContainsFeatureThatNeedsHelp > 0"),
    trueExpression: NSExpression(forConstantValue: UIColor.red),
    falseExpression: NSExpression(forConstantValue: UIColor.gray)
circularClusterLayer.circleColor = expressionForClusterCircleColor

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