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关于 Blazor 网格的 Telerik UI 的简单问题

[英]Simple Question about Telerik UI for Blazor Grid

I am wanting to create a simple Grid using Telerik UI for Blazor but find the online examples do not have what I am trying to do.我想使用 Telerik UI 为 Blazor 创建一个简单的网格,但发现在线示例没有我想要做的。 I want a grid similar to the following but the names changed to protect my employer's IP.我想要一个类似于以下的网格,但名称已更改以保护我雇主的 IP。

I need a Grid that lists Employees and their year of school, such as freshman, junior, etc. two strings, and also the Grid will contain the primary key of the Employee, but not visible on the grid.我需要一个 Grid 列出员工和他们的学年,例如新生、初中等两个字符串,并且 Grid 将包含 Employee 的主键,但在网格上不可见。 When a user clicks a row in the grid, it goes to a URL that includes the EmployeeID primary key as a URL parameter on the end of the URL.当用户单击网格中的一行时,它将转到 URL,其中包含 EmployeeID 主键作为 ZE6B391A8D2C4D459703A23A8B658 末尾的 URL 参数。 I do not want to change the routing, so a simple URL var will work it is a simple grid.我不想更改路由,所以一个简单的 URL var 就可以了,它是一个简单的网格。

Here is an example View Model (VM) that contains the data being displayed in the Grid:这是一个示例视图 Model (VM),其中包含在网格中显示的数据:

  public class EmployeeSelectVM
        public int EmployeeID { get; set; }
        public string EmployeeName { get; set; }
        public string Class { get; set; }

Also here is the code I have in the @code section, I want the employee info to load into the grid when the page is first loaded into the browser:这也是我在@code 部分中的代码,我希望在页面首次加载到浏览器时将员工信息加载到网格中:

   public IList<EmployeeSelectVM> Employees { get; set; }

   protected override void OnInitialized()

   public void LoadEmployees()
      Employees = employeeService.GetEmployees();

It is a simple grid, does not need to be updateable, only needs a few pages.它是一个简单的网格,不需要可更新,只需要几页。 I want each row in the grid to be a link that goes to another.razor file and passes it the EmployeeID as a URL parameter.我希望网格中的每一行都成为指向另一个文件的链接。razor 文件并将 EmployeeID 作为 URL 参数传递给它。 Very simple, I do not think any changes are needed to the routing.很简单,我认为不需要对路由进行任何更改。

Here is the Grid I have so far, many of the examples online are very cryptic and not all that easy to understand.这是我到目前为止的网格,网上的许多例子都非常神秘,并不那么容易理解。

<TelerikGrid Data="@Employees" Height="415px" Class="dv2 bottomborder details"
    <GridColumn Field="@nameof(EmployeeSelectVM.EmployeeID)" Title="Employee ID" Width="25px" />
    <GridColumn Field="@nameof(EmployeeSelectVM.EmployeeName)" Title="Employee Name" Width="195px" />
    <GridColumn Field="@nameof(EmployeeSelectVM.Class)" Title="Class" Width="195px" />

So I was not sure of what to add to this grid to make each row link out to a different.razor file, but think that template tags might be the key, any input on a fix for this would be good.因此,我不确定要添加到此网格中以使每一行链接到不同的.razor 文件,但认为模板标签可能是关键,对此进行修复的任何输入都会很好。

Use Template for customized column:为自定义列使用Template

<GridColumn Title="Link">
            EmployeeSelectVM employee = context as EmployeeSelectVM;
            string url = BaseURL + employee.EmployeeID.ToString();
            <a href="@url">Link</a>

Another solution could be the OnRowClick event :另一种解决方案可能是OnRowClick 事件

Using NavigationManager使用NavigationManager

@inject NavigationManager NavigationManager

    public void OnRowClickHandler(GridRowClickEventArgs args){
        EmployeeSelectVM employee = args.Item as EmployeeSelectVM;
        string url = BaseURL + employee.EmployeeID.ToString();

Bind your function to the event of your Grid将您的 function 绑定到您的 Grid 事件


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