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Firefox 无法从...安装搜索引擎

[英]Firefox could not install the search engine from…

I'm trying to make APLcart work with OpenSearch, but keep getting Firefox could not install the search engine from: https://aplcart.info/opensearch.xml with:我正在尝试使APLcart与 OpenSearch 一起工作,但不断收到Firefox could not install the search engine from: https://aplcart.info/opensearch.xml

<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="APLcart" 

Where /opensearch.xml is:其中/opensearch.xml是:

Search APLcart: A novel approach to finding your way in APL
<Image width="16" height="16" type="image/x-icon">https://aplcart.info/favicon.ico</Image>
<Url type="text/html" template="https://aplcart.info/?q={searchTerms}"/>
  • Note that this is not the same issue, since I do have Url type="text/html" .请注意,不是同一个问题,因为我确实Url type="text/html"
  • I've tried with method="get"我试过method="get"

What do I need to change for my OpenSearch specification to be compliant?为了符合我的 OpenSearch 规范,我需要更改哪些内容?

You have to use the correct namespace您必须使用正确的命名空间

<OpenSearchDescription xmlns="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/">

If you open the browser console (CTRL+Shift+J) you can see the error message如果您打开浏览器控制台 (CTRL+Shift+J),您可以看到错误消息

Invalid search plugin due to namespace not matching.由于命名空间不匹配,搜索插件无效。

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