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[英]How can I use a single search bar to filter two tables?

I have a Vue2 app, on one of the pages I have a pair of data tables.我有一个 Vue2 应用程序,在其中一个页面上我有一对数据表。 Each table is behind a tab, allowing users to select which they want.每个表都在一个选项卡后面,允许用户访问他们想要的 select。 What isn't behind a tab is the search bar, that I kept separate to avoid duplicating it with code.选项卡后面没有的是搜索栏,我将其分开以避免与代码重复。 However, I need it to be able to filter/search through either table that's being viewed.但是,我需要它能够过滤/搜索正在查看的任一表。

It works perfectly fine when I try to filter through one or the other, but because I can't bind multiple values in a v-model directive, I'm not sure what can be done to achieve what I need.当我尝试过滤其中一个时,它工作得非常好,但是因为我无法在 v-model 指令中绑定多个值,所以我不确定可以做些什么来实现我需要的东西。 Below is the relevant code.下面是相关代码。 Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.任何指导将不胜感激。

Search Bar搜索栏

<div class="container-fluid search-bar">
  <v-row no-gutters>
    <v-col cols="12" md="5" sm="12" class="text-left">
        class="form-control bg-white search-input"
    <v-col cols="12" md="7" sm="12"> </v-col>

Script to handle the search处理搜索的脚本

Note: this is within the script.注意:这是在脚本中。 Each one is built for the specific table it looks through.每一个都是为它所查看的特定表而构建的。 If I however, I can only get the search to work if I call in either serviceKeyword or resourceKeyword但是,如果我调用 serviceKeyword 或 resourceKeyword,我只能让搜索工作

  computed: {
    filteredServiceDirectories() {
      if (!this.serviceKeyword) {
        return this.serviceDirectories;

      var searchBy = this.serviceKeyword.toLowerCase();

      return this.serviceDirectories.filter(
        (q) =>
          q.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchBy) !== -1 ||
          (q.organization &&
            q.organization.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchBy) !== -1) ||
          (q.categories &&
              (c) => c.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchBy) !== -1

     filteredResourceDirectories() {
      if (!this.resourceKeyword) {
        return this.resourceDirectories;

      var resourceSearchBy = this.resourceKeyword.toLowerCase();

      return this.resourceDirectories.filter(
        (q) =>
          q.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(resourceSearchBy) !== -1 ||
          (q.organization &&
            q.organization.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(resourceSearchBy) !== -1) || 
          (q.resourceType &&
            q.resourceType.value.toLowerCase().indexOf(resourceSearchBy) !== -1)

There are few ways to solve this.解决这个问题的方法很少。 One is simply searching/filtering both at the same time.一种是同时搜索/过滤两者。

You could change the resourceKeyword and serviceKeyword to simply keyword , bind that to the input and use it to filter both resourceDirectores and serviceDirectories .您可以将resourceKeywordserviceKeyword更改为简单的keyword ,将其绑定到输入并使用它来过滤resourceDirectoresserviceDirectories

Only one table/tab is being viewed at a time so it doesn't really matter, or am I misunderstanding?一次只能查看一个表格/选项卡,所以这并不重要,还是我误解了?

If you want a full list when switching between tables you could add a @click="keyword === '' on the tab.如果在表格之间切换时想要完整列表,可以在选项卡上添加@click="keyword === ''

Here is a code-example I made two show filtering two array based on one keyword: https://codepen.io/bergur-the-encoder/pen/ExwBZMj这是一个代码示例,我制作了两个显示基于一个关键字过滤两个数组: https://codepen.io/bergur-the-encoder/pen/ExwBZMj

Another solution is to add a @click on the tab to set/tell the script what you are looking at, so @click="activeTab=resourceDirectores" and @click="activeTab=serviceDirectores"另一种解决方案是在选项卡上添加@click以设置/告诉脚本您正在查看的内容,因此@click="activeTab=resourceDirectores"@click="activeTab=serviceDirectores"

Change to v-model="keyword like before but in your computed property check the activeTab data property像以前一样更改为v-model="keyword但在您的计算属性中检查activeTab数据属性

  filteredServiceDirectories()  {
    if (activeTab === 'resourceDirectives') {
      return this.serviceDirectories // should not filter those
    ...//rest of code

and then the the same (or opposite) for filteredResourceDirectories然后是相同(或相反)的过滤资源目录

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