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AWS 和 NFV 有什么区别

[英]What is the difference between AWS and NFV

What is the difference between the services AWS provides and Network functions virtualization(NFV)? AWS 提供的服务与网络功能虚拟化 (NFV) 有什么区别? are security groups, route53 and ELB considered NFVs?安全组、route53 和 ELB 是否被视为 NFV?

I believe AWS ELB, Route 53, etc., are considered NFVs, as these services are virtualized.我相信 AWS ELB、Route 53 等被认为是 NFV,因为这些服务是虚拟化的。 What I mean is that when you create an ELB in AWS, nobody in their data center is physically installing a physical device for your ELB.我的意思是,当您在 AWS 中创建 ELB 时,他们的数据中心中没有人会为您的 ELB 物理安装物理设备。 Instead, a virtual ELB will just be created for your account.相反,将为您的帐户创建一个虚拟 ELB。

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