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如何使用 Jackson 在 JSON 反序列化期间添加常量*

[英]How to add a constant* during JSON deserialization using Jackson

I'm using Jackson and JsonDeserializer.我正在使用 Jackson 和 JsonDeserializer。 When I deserialize to MyClass, you need to set the MyContext class.当我反序列化为 MyClass 时,需要设置 MyContext class。 I used to use static final constants, but I cannot use that for my reason (I need to use instance constants).我曾经使用 static 最终常量,但由于我的原因我不能使用它(我需要使用实例常量)。 I am doing deserialization using ObjectMapper.我正在使用 ObjectMapper 进行反序列化。

Here is the code I tried.这是我尝试过的代码。

class MyClass {
    private final MyContext context;
    public final int foo;
    public final String bar;

class MyClassDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<MyClass> {
    public PacketContainer deserialize(JsonParser parser, DeserializationContext context)
            throws IOException {
            MyContext myContext = (MyContext) deserializationContext.getConfig().getAttributes().getAttribute("context");
            // It seems no attributes has registered.

            doSome(myContext.foo); // NullPointerException occurs
            // ...

class MyContext {
    private String foo;
    private int bar;

    // getter(); setter();

// main()
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Context context = new Context();

HashMap<String, Context> contextSetting = new HashMap<>();
contextSetting.put("context", context);

mapper.getDeserializationContext().setAttribute("context", context);

How can I dynamically set constants during deserialization?如何在反序列化期间动态设置常量?

I am using a translator.我正在使用翻译器。 Thank you.谢谢你。

The problem stands in the fact that you are trying to register your context object in your mapper 's config in the wrong way: you can use the DeserializationConfig withAttribute method that returns a new configuration including your context object and then set your mapper with the new configuration:问题在于您试图以错误的方式在mapper的配置中注册context object :您可以使用DeserializationConfig withAttribute方法返回一个新配置,包括您的context object ,然后使用新的配置:

MyContext myContext = new MyContext();

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
      .withAttribute("context", myContext));

After that the context object is available in the your JsonDeserializer class like you wrote:之后, context object 在您的JsonDeserializer class 中可用,就像您写的那样:

MyContext myContext = (MyContext) deserializationContext.getConfig()

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