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正在访问 std::array<std::uint8_t, 2> 而 std::uint16_t 在联合定义明确的行为中处于活动状态?</std::uint8_t,>

[英]Is accessing to std::array<std::uint8_t, 2> while std::uint16_t is active inside a union well defined behavior?

If I have an union如果我有工会

union Bytes {
  std::uint16_t bytes;
  std::array<std::uint8_t, 2> split_bytes;

and I use it like this我像这样使用它

int main(){
  auto bytes = Bytes{0xFF'EE};
  // do something with bytes.split_bytes[0] and bytes.split_bytes[1]

Assuming the target machine is little endian, is my usage well-defined behavior?假设目标机器是小端,我的使用行为是否明确?

Is accessing to std::array<std::uint8_t, 2> while std::uint16_t is active inside a union well defined behavior?是否正在访问 std::array<std::uint8_t, 2> 而 std::uint16_t 在联合明确定义的行为中处于活动状态?

Reading an inactive union member is undefined behaviour.读取不活动的工会成员是未定义的行为。 Assigning an inactive trivial union member activates it.分配一个不活跃的平凡联合成员会激活它。

Since the target of your attempted type punning is std::uint8_t which is unsigned char , you can use reinterpret_cast to read a std::uint16_t .由于您尝试的类型双关语的目标是std::uint8_t ,它是unsigned char ,您可以使用reinterpret_cast来读取std::uint16_t However, as you seem to be aware, the order of the bytes varies between systems, and making assumptions about the order will result in a poorly portable program.但是,您似乎知道,字节的顺序因系统而异,并且对顺序进行假设将导致程序移植性差。

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