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PhpStorm Git 集成与命令行

[英]PhpStorm Git integrated vs commandline

Files committed via PhpStorm's integrated Git handling still show as modified when viewed with commandline git status .通过 PhpStorm 的集成 Git 处理提交的文件在使用命令行git status查看时仍显示为已修改。 They still push successfully to the remote on GitLab.他们仍然成功推送到 GitLab 上的遥控器。

With Git 2.8+ (Q1 2016) , you can use git ls-files --eol -- a/file/still/modified to check if the current change is related ot EOL (end of line character: \n vs. \r\n )使用Git 2.8+ (Q1 2016) ,您可以使用git ls-files --eol -- a/file/still/modified以检查当前更改是否与 EOL 相关(行尾字符: \n vs. \r\n )

That way, you will know more about why those files are shown modified in your working tree (and displayed as modified in your IDE).这样,您将更多地了解为什么这些文件在您的工作树中显示为已修改(并在您的 IDE 中显示为已修改)。

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