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Defaultdict 不返回默认值

[英]Defaultdict not returning default values

d1 = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict (lambda : 0)))
d1['first']['second'] = 2 #Assigning some value
d1['first']['third']   #Expecting to return the default value, which is 0, but ...
defaultdict(<function <lambda>.<locals>.<lambda>.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7ff5765421e0>, {})

Why is this not returning 0?为什么这不返回0?

Because there are three levels of defaultdict s until you reach the value 0 , so you need to do:因为在达到值0之前存在三个级别的defaultdict ,所以你需要这样做:

>>> d1['first']['second']['third']

You have 3 levels of defaultdict .您有 3 个级别的defaultdict So to get the default value you need 3 indexes.因此,要获得默认值,您需要 3 个索引。


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