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使用 jackson 更新 scala 中的 json 字符串

[英]update json string in scala using jackson

I have a json我有一个 json

val nodeJson =
          "colMap": {
              "idcols": [
             "col.partitions": "3"

I have to populate "idcols" and "emailcols" array dynamically from scala array.我必须从 scala 数组动态填充“idcols”和“emailcols”数组。

like if i have arrays:就像我有 arrays 一样:

val idcols = Array("per_id","dep_id")
val emailcols = Array("per_email","dep_email")

then these values need to set in the json string那么这些值需要在 json 字符串中设置

I have to use com.fasterxml.jackson library.我必须使用com.fasterxml.jackson库。

I am able to get the arrays:我能够得到 arrays:

val obj = new ObjectMapper()
  val root = obj.readTree(nodeJson)
  val value = root.get("CONFIG").get("colMap")

But I am not sure how to update it and set it back to the json.但我不确定如何更新它并将其设置回 json。 Kinldy let me know how can i update the json string. Kinldy 让我知道如何更新 json 字符串。

When using jackson you most mutators are not defined on JsonNode but rather the specific sub-classes for that type of node (in your case ArrayNode for json arrays)使用 jackson 时,大多数突变器都没有在JsonNode上定义,而是在该类型节点的特定子类上定义(在您的情况下ArrayNode用于 json 数组)

For example to add a string to the idCols array you would:例如,要将字符串添加到idCols数组,您可以:


If you prefer more type safety (at the performance cost of allocating an extra case class) you could also consider creating a case class matching the structure of your document, parsing the json into that, updating the scala case class and serializing back to a json string. If you prefer more type safety (at the performance cost of allocating an extra case class) you could also consider creating a case class matching the structure of your document, parsing the json into that, updating the scala case class and serializing back to a json细绳。

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