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用于传输数据的 BLE 场景

[英]BLE scenario for transferring data

I have a question regarding BLE.我有一个关于 BLE 的问题。 It's my first time trying to use BLE and I am exploring some high level designs for a medical device.这是我第一次尝试使用 BLE,我正在探索一些用于医疗设备的高级设计。 The structure would be that the device connects to a stand alone controller-device (wifi disabled) via BLE.该结构将是设备通过 BLE 连接到独立的控制器设备(wifi 禁用)。 The device would be collecting data such as heart rate throughout a 24 hour period.该设备将在 24 小时内收集心率等数据。 At some point the stand alone controller would be disconnected from the device and connected to an app to transfer the data collected.在某些时候,独立的 controller 将与设备断开连接并连接到应用程序以传输收集的数据。 Can BLE handle the potential data size of this scenario? BLE 可以处理这种场景的潜在数据大小吗? Is it fast enough to do it in a reasonable amount of time?它是否足够快以在合理的时间内完成?

Thank you!谢谢!

Take a look at the specification list provided by the Bluetooth SIG.查看蓝牙 SIG 提供的规格列表 Two documents describe the handling of heart rate measurements, the most interesting for you would be the Heart Rate Service specification (Download it here: https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/specs/heart-rate-service-1-0/ ).两份文档描述了心率测量的处理,您最感兴趣的是心率服务规范(在此处下载: https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/specs/heart-rate-service-1-0 / )。

It contains a detailed description on how to transmit heart rate data via BLE.它包含有关如何通过 BLE 传输心率数据的详细说明。 According to the specification you are supposed to use the 16-bit UUID 0x180D for the Heart Rate Service.根据规范,您应该将 16 位 UUID 0x180D用于心率服务。 You can find the UUIDs for other services and characteristics in the 16-bit UUID Numbers Document .您可以在16 位 UUID 编号文档中找到其他服务和特征的 UUID。

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