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如何在工作流程成功完成后每天自动发送邮件,并在运行时间长时发送 email

[英]how to send mail automatically everyday when workflow completed successfully and also send an email when it run long

I want to receive an email when 1)The workflow will be successfully completed in time and a completion Notification will be sent to the respective person(e-mail id) or support group(distribution list) via the email task or the post-session e-mail notification in the session task.我想收到 email 时 1) 工作流将及时成功完成,完成通知将通过 email 任务或会后发送给相应的人(电子邮件 ID)或支持组(分发列表) session 任务中的电子邮件通知。

  1. The workflow will be continuing to run in excess of the expected time due to some issues (like.network, data, etc).In such cases the “STILL RUNNING” notification will be sent to the respective person (e-mail id) or support group(distribution list) via the email task or the post-session e-mail notification in the session task.由于某些问题(如网络、数据等),工作流将继续运行超过预期时间。在这种情况下,“STILL RUNNING”通知将发送给相应的人(电子邮件 ID)或通过 email 任务或 session 任务中的会后电子邮件通知支持小组(分发列表)。
  1. Have you read the relevant chapter of the documentation regarding sending of the mail from workflows?您是否阅读过文档中有关从工作流发送邮件的相关章节
  2. In this case you need to time your execution, and doing it from inside your own workflow won't be possible, does your environment include any usable scheduler?在这种情况下,您需要确定执行时间,并且无法从您自己的工作流程中执行此操作,您的环境是否包含任何可用的调度程序?


For the scenario 1 just follow the guide linked by @rownum-highart.对于场景 1 ,只需遵循 @rownum-highart 链接的指南。

For the scenario 2 use a parallel flow with a timer.对于场景 2 ,使用带有计时器的并行流。 Combine the two flows with Decision Task .将这两个流程与Decision Task结合起来。 Remember to use Treat the input links as set to OR .请记住使用Treat the input links as设置为OR followed by Email Task with a condition of your session status.然后是Email Task ,条件是您的 session 状态。




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