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react.js 中的链接标签重定向问题

[英]link tag redirect issue in react.js

I have links saved in the firebase DB, when I click "save" the link it will updated but when I click to the link icon it redirect me to home page.我在 firebase DB 中保存了链接,当我单击“保存”时,链接会更新,但是当我单击链接图标时,它会将我重定向到主页。 Example: The link in the DB is "www.instagram.com", when I click the icon it will redirect me to the home with this url "localhost:3000/www.instagram.com", but when I do the console log it logs only "www.instagram.com", can somebody help me please?示例:数据库中的链接是“www.instagram.com”,当我单击该图标时,它将使用此 url“localhost:3000/www.instagram.com”将我重定向到家,但是当我执行控制台日志时它只记录“www.instagram.com”,有人可以帮帮我吗?

formInputs it's a simple object formInputs 它是一个简单的 object

    onClick={() => {

I tryed to use the Link component from react-router-dom but it do the same thing我尝试使用 react-router-dom 中的 Link 组件,但它做同样的事情

In short: please try to use a full absolute URL together with the protocol.简而言之:请尽量使用完全绝对的 URL 和协议。 Instead of a short one.而不是短的。 In this case, can change the value to https://www.instagram.com .在这种情况下,可以将值更改为https://www.instagram.com

Document source: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/a文档来源: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/a

Possible values of href : href的可能值:

  • An absolute URL - points to another website (like href="http://www.example.com/default.htm")绝对的 URL - 指向另一个网站(如 href="http://www.example.com/default.htm")
  • A relative URL - points to a file within a website (like href="default.htm")相对 URL - 指向网站内的文件(如 href="default.htm")

The key difference is the // at the beginning.关键区别在于开头的// Without it, your browser is considering your given "www.instagram.com" as a relative URL and is trying to calculate the path based on your current location.没有它,您的浏览器会将您给定的"www.instagram.com"视为相对 URL 并尝试根据您当前的位置计算路径。

And if you're only using //www.instagram.com , the browser will use the same protocol as the current page, eg http://localhost -> http://www.instagram.com And if you're only using //www.instagram.com , the browser will use the same protocol as the current page, eg http://localhost -> http://www.instagram.com

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